Thursday, April 5, 2012

Results Are In....

First of all, thank you so much for participating in my survey yesterday. I noticed a handful of possible new followers that commented and that was wonderful. Please feel free to comment more often :)

The results of yesterdays survey is.............. HOPE.  Yes it is that simple. After reading all of the your stories yesterday, it restored my hope that it might actually happen for us. Regardless if you were suffering from PCOS, unexplained infertility, egg quality issues, sperm issues, tubal issues etc.  Some of you were successful with natural cycles, some iuis and some ivfs. Some of us havent been successful with any of the above. But you have completely filled my heart and soul back up with hope and faith. For that I say thank you. Al and I might have another failed ivf, we might decide to try a few more iuis. Shit we may just give up and go on with our lives and get pregnant naturally. Anything can happen.

Ok I hope you guys dont think my survey was to lame. I needed to be able to feel hope again. I think the rest of us need that to. So please if you are just joining in today, read all of the stories from my survey yesterday and know that anything is possible :)

I leave you today with lovely pictures of our storm that came in after work. I love clouds during and after a storm. You look at them with all of their beauty and just know that things will get better.

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