Wednesday, December 18, 2013


On a daily basis I see people who complain and complain about anything and everything. For such a long time I couldn't figure out how so many people are so miserable in their lives. Now I see that it is just the way some of us are and will always continue to be regardless. This makes me work even harder to see the beautiful things in life daily. Take a moment and be thankful for something, no matter how small :)

Try to remember that no matter how bad your days are, you are the only one with the power to change your outlook.


  1. Thankful everyday... And thankful for you and meeting all these wonderful women in the IF process!

  2. Oh and I FINALLY was able to get your blog to show!

  3. Love the one about picking our problems back out of the pile. Really makes you stop and think! I want to share this with a chick that flipped me the bird in traffic y'day! ha!

  4. You got it!! Especially loving the last one too!

  5. I love this! I always try to remind myself to be positive... it really is a choice!

  6. You know I always say we have a choice in how we respond to things. It's not always easy but yes, we CAN choose to be happy! Of course, I don't think there is a single person who is successful with this all the time, but it does make a difference to always try to remember the blessings. I love all your quotes.
