Monday, December 16, 2013

IVIG Treatments

As you know I have been searching high and low, under every rock in Oklahoma to find a place that would administer IVIG. Every corner I turned it was a total dead end and everyone refused to do the treatment because an out of state doctor was referring the order. Well a few weeks ago a fellow blogger and someone who is also going through immune issues suggested I contact a Coram Center and see if they would administer. She also had an out of state order and was able to get it done through them. I quickly googled Coram Infusion Center and nothing showed up in Oklahoma ( another dead end). I pretty well moved on. Well Friday on my facebook a Coram Center popped up on the right hand side along with all the advertisements and I clicked on it. Low and behold there is a Coram Center in Oklahoma! It was to late Friday to call so I waited until this morning. The first gentlemen that answered the phone told me no that they will not do it with an out of state referral, but he would transfer me to administration just to make sure. After talking to Susan for about 15 minutes, it looks like getting IVIG in Oklahoma might be an option. They  have a LONG list of needs before they will put everything together, but it is a real shot at finally having this done. She said it would take weeks to get everything in place with insurance etc. That is fine because I am in middle of cycle right now and will have to take next month off. So everything ( fingers crossed) should be in place for a end of January infusion? I am going to try not to get very excited, but definitely going to stay hopeful that we won't need to go to Chicago to have one treatment done next year. If I am able to get it done here in Oklahoma there is only a $30 co-pay ( according to my insurance company) and I will be able to get all the infusions!

Fingers crossed...........................

I don't want to finish this journey and ever question that we didn't do everything possible. Now it is a very real possibility that question won't ever cross my mind :)


  1. I'm praying for a January infusion!! Time to get shit done!

  2. :) I feel so important right now. haha

  3. YES!!! I'm so hoping this works out for you!

  4. That's awesome! Hopefully all the stars will align and this will be YOUR cycle.

  5. Fantastic!! Way to keep digging around! Happy things keep working out better for you<3

  6. I am so excited for you that you found a place closer to home that might just work out! No matter how this all turns out in the end, you want to be able to say you tried everything you could, with no regrets. So happy to hear about this.
