Thursday, March 20, 2014


I find that patience is one of my biggest weaknesses. So today I take deep breaths and remind myself that I am not in control of this situation only how I handle it.

4 days until u/s.

Today I am 5W1D. No symptoms. Still no bleeding!! That is a huge accomplishment right there. Insomnia is kicking my ass because of Prednisone, but all and all everything is absolutely perfect and I feel so blessed to be here at this point, at this moment. Regardless what happens, I will always have these memories today and that is priceless :)


  1. So happy for you! Your pee sticks and betas are AH-MAZING!!! This is your take home baby. I can feel it! I don't know if you remember me or not...I used to comment on your JUST T blog all of the time and lost you when you changed blogs. I have started a blog of my own since August of last year. We had a missed miscarriage that was discovered at 11 weeks and then a terrible hormone imbalance that caused my first period after the D&C to last about 40 days. We are now trying again and your story is so very inspiring! I am just so darn happy for you!! Mean it. **HUGS**

    Mel @

    1. I do remember you! Unfortunately I have lost a good chunk of followers from moving blogs. Hoping they can find me again and I can also get caught up on your blog!

    2. I found you because another follower had you on her blog roll. I hope the others can find you, as well! I was so happy to find you again. :)

  2. 4 more sleeps, lady. I know it seems like time is dragging, but all is looking so promising. Hang on to that.

  3. I am still SO stinkin' happy for you!

  4. The waiting is just awful I know!! I am just so thrilled for you right now...your perseverence and advocation for your self during all your treatments continues to be amazing! I have seen so many health stiations even here in canada that have only had positive outcomes because Of the patients taking matters into their own hands! How empowering this must be for you! Hang in some trashy celebrity magazines and pamper yourself! You are doing great!

    1. I have spent most of my day on countdowntopregnancy voting on pee sticks, LOL!

  5. So glad that you're enjoying this moment. Hope you get good news on the upcoming ultrasound. Thinking of you!

  6. "you will always have these moments." Words to remember, even though that is so hard sometimes. I'm so glad that both babies are doing great and your weekend scare turned out to be okay.
