
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Back to work and Four Months

. I am not sure where the past nine weeks have gone. I now know what if feels like to be a stay at home mom and even more, one of twins. I never thought that stay at home moms ever had a easy job, but I also didn't know how hard it was either. There were some days that I was ready to be back at work do to all the stress. Some days I wanted to be home with my girls forever. Luckily I was able to work out a good schedule during the day and was able to keep the house clean and chores done. Thankfully Al still does all the cooking and grocery shopping. He also takes Olivia grocery shopping with him every Sunday and that is a huge break only having one baby. Things are so much easier with only one baby after you're used to juggling two. 

So I have prepared everything for going back to work on Monday. We are still keeping Olivia home one more week before she starts daycare ( that will be another post). This week my sister is staying at our house three days and Al is staying home two days. Next week his mom is coming to stay with us for two weeks and watching Lilah. We heard from cardiology yesterday and Lilah was approved for surgery. We are now waiting for the surgeon to call and schedule. So she will have her heart surgery within the next four weeks. After much consideration and discussions, Al and I decided we only want one of us home taken care of her after surgery. We thought Al could take long term disability and get a partial paycheck, but it only works that way for him, not any other members of the family. Luckily we have been saving for something like this. He will be able to stay home with Lilah for 5 weeks after surgery. We also have my aunt flying in from California to help where needed. This will come in handy while Lilah is in the hospital for sure. So I think we have everything in place.

Today the girls are four months old. Yesterday we had Lilah weighed and the RN was able to get a hold of a preemie growth chart. Her weight put her at 5th percentile and height at 25th. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but she can do it. All the doctors constantly tell us how impressed they are with Lilah. According to the cardiologist, her hole is so big that she shouldn't even have the energy to drink her bottles. They have also found another issue with her heart, but the surgeons will confident it will be fixed when they are repairing her VSD.

I will leave you with a pic of my beautiful girls at four months: 

Wish me luck returning to workforce on Monday. 


  1. They're just so beautiful!!!! I can't believe they're already 4 months old!!!!

  2. This is going to sound awful of me, but here goes. I loved going back to work after the Beats arrived. Though I adore my kids, being home with them full time was hard on me. Yes, I miss them during the day, but having the freedom to focus only on myself is indescribable.

    Wishing you a smooth transition. And thinking of all of you as you prepare for surgery and recovery.

    1. Christy I don't think that sounds awful at all. To be very honest, I think I will be feeling the same.

  3. Good luck going back to work. Hoping it's a smooth transition for everyone.

    1. Thank you. I am hoping it is a smooth transition for the girls

  4. Wow. Four months. It seems like I was just reading your blog praying for you to conceive these little miracles! I will be thinking of you Monday as I cry 'with' you!

  5. Good luck!

    Sounds like you are well organized and have lots of support!

    1. Organization with a sick baby is a must and it keeps me sane :) Thanks!

  6. Good luck!! You have done such a great job with your sweet girls! So great to have he as well. That will be nice for your hubby to be home with her♡
    I can't believe how old they have gotten, super cute pictures!

  7. What beautiful pictures of beautiful girls!! :)

  8. Check out those adorable 4 month old ladies! Going back to work was really difficult but you can do it. It sounds like you have a great plan in place!
