
Thursday, January 8, 2015


Judgement doesn't stop after infertility. I am not sure why I thought it would and especially in the new world of social media. I am guilty of it. But seriously why does it have to be this way?

What's wrong with other mothers raising their babies differently than the way you do? Is your way the only right way? I've ended up leaving my Facebook groups for this reason and I still see it on my private Facebook and in real life. 

Is it okay not to breastfeed your baby? Contrary to popular belief yes it is. Your baby will still love you and not grow up with mommy issues because you fed them formula.

Is it okay to implement cereals or other foods to your baby before the age of six months. Yes, also contrary to popular belief your child can be introduced to these things and still live. You won't get your baby taken away for child abuse.

Is it okay to let your baby co-sleep instead of introducing them to the crib? I am by no means a doctor or expert, but I think short of jumping on them, blowing smoke in their face or having sex while the baby is in the middle, you should all be okay.

Is it okay to let your baby sleep in their cribs from early on? I've seen this happen many times and the children seem to be healthy and happy. I haven't noticed any abandonment issues.

Should I go on??

The point is, raise your babies the way you feel is the best for your family..

I do have a few suggestions on some things we might all refrain from:

No prescription or alcohol until they are older
No tattoos this young because they could change their minds.
No letting them help you drive down the interstate doing 70
They don't need a Facebook because it will cause unnecessary stress for them
Probably no drinking out of the toilet ( even if it's clean)


  1. So funny! But I agree. I've already been riduculed for saying I would have an epidural if I go through labor. I'm pretty sure other mothers have had them and everyone made it just fine. 😊 I know you are a wonderful mother!

    1. No pain birth seems very reasonable to me 😊

  2. leave the opinions up to the experts. LOL

    your sister

  3. Meh. I'm totally getting my kid the "dinosaur dressed as Spiderman" tattoo that he wants when he's two. Seems legit, and nothing he'll ever likely regret. ;)

  4. So does this mean you aren't planning to make your own probiotic infused organic baby food from your weekly farm share basket?

    It's crazy what some people get judgmental about. You know your kids and what works for them!

  5. Here's my thoughts on breastfeeding - I have no idea if I was breastfed. It never came up. I never asked. And I turned out pretty average. So if I was breastfed, I didn't become the superhero that breast milk promises to make you. And if I was formula fed, I didn't turn into the slobby homeless person that was guaranteed there either. Kinda seems like a wash to me. You're doing awesome, T! But your no toilet water rule seems a little strict. Geez, mom, the girls just wanna have fun.

  6. Rules are meant to be broken, right? Lol!

  7. I agree! I would also like to add that it is so frustrating when other mothers mock you and tell you that you will change your ideals because you are naive. My husband and I feel strongly about not letting out little guy play on phones or iPads until he's bigger. And I take offense when people tell me that I'll change my mind. I don't know what it's like to have a kid yet b/c he's so small. Eff that. I don't judge them because they let their kids use them so stop judging me!

  8. I firmly believe and agree with you on that. Perfect example of what I'm talking about.

  9. Laughing at all the comments. This is why I love this community.

    Yeah, judgement. I find that it tends to come most from those who are struggling. They acted shocked and immediately tell you how wrong you are because they are covering up the fact that they are struggling. Those who are confident and secure in their decisions tend not to do this because, really, what is there to defend?

    My vote is dump the judgey moms. Trust me, you don't need them.

    1. You're right. None of us are prefect and will always make mistakes, but I really believe we do the best that we can 😀

  10. Hey, T! It's been awhile since I've commented but I've been reading along. I'm so happy the girls are doing so well and I will keep you guys in my prayers. As for raising the girls the way you want to, I agree. When my first son was like 9 weeks old, I started him on cereal. He was already starting on veggies and had been through all the fruits by 4 months. Every child is different and they have different needs at different times. When Owen was born last week, we caught some SERIOUS drama from DH's family because we chose to deliver the baby and have Bonding time as a family before we told anyone he was here. They were so angry they refused to even come see the baby. I feel like it was our choice as parents to choose our own birth experience, but people like to dictate, don't they?

    Thinking of you!!! You're doing everything right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

    1. mEL that is absolutely crazy! I wonder how people can justify pushing their beliefs off on another person? And to be upset when you choose your own way??

      I'm so glad you mentioned introducing solids early. With Olivia's reflux p, the cereal along with soy and meds have made her into a new baby

  11. omg the last 4 comments - especially the drinking out of the toilet one... so funny!
