
Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I made the change to wordpress yesterday and many of you have contacted me for links to my new blog. I also heard from a few of you that you weren't able to see my blog. Unfortunately you will need to set up a wordpress account or you won't be able to follow me. Although this is a pain in the butt and I will lose many followers, I am keeping my blog this way.

I do want to let you know that I set up a private NICU facebook group for the girls when they were born and I still update on there about how they are doing etc. If you are unable to follow my new blog and want to keep up with the girls, please send a request to me. There page is Lilah and Olivia Rapp NICU 2014.

I am excited about starting this year new with my girls, letting go of bad things in my life and just moving forward. Once we get past this surgery, I hope that all the health scares are over for a VERY.LONG.TIME.

Thanks to everyone who had helped support me through so many years of infertility and then a difficult pregnancy and now getting Lilah's heart fixed. It has meant so much to me. You all have meant so much to me. I will continue to keep this blog to follow everyone so I don't have to move that over to my new one. So I will definitely keep up with you beautiful ladies!