Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SCH Update

Since my ultrasound on Monday, a few things have changed. I have continued to have red spotting. I emailed Dr. Kim on Tuesday to let her know that my RE found a SCH. I received an email back from her nurse a few hours later stating that Dr. Kim wanted me to stop the lovenox completely. That freaked me out! Just this last week I still tested positive for 7 APS markers ( which is clotting issues). So the thought of stopping one of the main drugs that I feel have gotten me this far was not good. I laid in bed all night and wondered if I should listen to Dr. Kim or continue doing my injections at least every other day. I decided I would email her again today and see what the plan was. Luckily they were on top of things and first thing this morning I received this email from her nurse:

" Tonisha, the following are some recommendations per Dr. Kwak in regards to your bleeding episodes:......... RECOMMENDATIONS: a. Continue IVIG 15 gms weekly........ b. Start Lovenox 40 mg every other day........ c. Start Progesterone in oil injections 2 cc every day........ d. Ultrasounds weekly.......... e. Repeat NK and Cytokines post every 2nd infusion (I will email you an order)........ Where should I call the progesterone in oil to? It is an injection that needs to go in your buttock........ Thanks! this from Dr. Kims clinic"

After seeing this email this morning I felt so much better. This Friday will be my first infusion with 15grams. I talked to my boss last week because I have been missing every Friday for infusions. I am starting this week by getting them at work. I have my own office so it really won't be that big of a deal. I am also trying to talk him into putting his couch in my office to make my infusions easier and it will also be a benefit later in pregnancy to curl up during lunch and take a nice nap. My other boss already said it was a great idea! 

Today is 8 weeks! I have made it a whole two months with little people growing in me and they are still alive. Wow I never thought this day would come. So incredibly thankful for every single moment I have with them. I also know the statistics on actually carrying both of them past the miscarriage phase. All I can do it take it day by day.


  1. Happy Beautiful 8 weeks!! I'm so excited for you, and glad you aren't stopping the Lovenox completely, but I'm hoping that decrease allows less spotting for you!!

  2. I am so happy your doctor is on top of things and is so helpful with any of your questions and concerns. I would have been scared to have been told to stop the lovenox completely too! Come on, twinsies. Grow, grow, grow!! :)

    1. Seeing that email first thing this morning made me feel so much better :)

  3. YAY, happy 8 weeks! I am so glad you got some answers and direction on your treatments. I just simply can't imagine the stress it puts on you. I hope you are able to relax and try and enjoy the journey! Praying like crazy for those little beans in there! I think I'm really jealous of the sofa in your office, that sounds simply amazing!

    1. I have never been able to have a nice comfy sofa in my office. I really love this job!

  4. Yay for 8 weeks!! Sounds like you have a good plan in place and your boss sounds very supportive. I could use a couch in my office! Grow Hoppers, GROW!

  5. So glad you are able to communicate with Dr. Kim so effectively! I understand your hesitance with stopping Lovenox. I felt the same way, but I also was flying solo on that one.

    Thinking of you and hoping the first round of IVIG at work goes well!

    1. Thanks! I have been doing so much better with infusion lately.

  6. I would not dare to stop lovenox. There are smaller units like 30 mg, in case they are needed.
    I'm glad all has resolved well.
    I was using 2cc progesterone in oil plus suppositories that were the combination of progesterone and estrogen, but mine was fet.

    1. Hopefully I won't be on the shots to long.

  7. I'm hoping this new plan helps to stop the bleeding so you can feel a bit more relaxed. A couch at work is my dream! I hope you get it!! Grow hoppers grow! Where did the nickname hoppers come from? I'm sure you wrote it in your blog and I missed it somehow. I love the nickname.

    1. There really isn't a story behind the name. I was laying in bed one night trying to think of a a nickname and finally after hours I thought about them being little hoppers :)

  8. So glad doctor Kim is so thorough. Grow Hoppers grow :)

    1. Best decision I ever made (going to see her)

  9. And remember with every week that passes the odds of miscarriage drop lower and lower. That was always a comfort to me. That my odds improved with every week. Also a couch is fantastic at work. You might remember my MFM team had me start lying down at lunch around 24 weeks, and I made it to 38 weeks. It makes a difference!

    1. I will definitely take advantage of the couch! I am hoping to work as long as possible since we don't have any company policy on maternity leave. There are only three employees.

  10. Great update! I'm glad they have you on a good plan of action! I wouldn't have stopped lovenox either! Were you not on any progesterone or just a lower dose? You are ALMOST out of the miscarriage phase, like you said, take it day by day! GROW BABIES GROW!!! Sending up prayers for you and your sweet little beans!

    1. Yes I have been on progesterone since 2DPO. My progesterone levels have been 40+ each time they are tested. I think Dr. Kim wants me on the injections so there is no more irritation to my cervix and might help stop the spotting.

    2. Ok GOOD CALL! Suppositories can definitely irritate your cervix. I hate that you have to add another shot in there but it's probably a better decision in the long run! Not too much longer til you are in the "safe zone" praying! <3 <3

  11. Have you done a lot of research on SCH? I have one too, and this week did lose on of my twins. Though they of course don't know for sure if that was the reason. I hope both of your babies continue to grow grow grow!

    1. I am sorry for the loss of your twin. I haven't done much research on SCH just because I know my miscarriage risks are so high already.

  12. WHOOP to 8 weeks!! I think those are great options to give you the piece of mind and to keep those babies growing. The thought of two humans inside of you is crazy huh?

    1. Yeah I still am processing I have two humans in there. Having hardly no symptoms makes it a little more difficult :)
