Thursday, February 6, 2014

Huge accomplishment

Well ladies, something really awesome happened to me today. I have been temping and this cycle my temps just weren't showing ovulation had taken place. The doctors office said it was because of my trigger shot last Saturday night. I figured I should be around 3DPO and had to go in to have my post IVIG blood drawn and sent to Chicago. I also asked to have my progesterone tested to see if I did indeed ovulate this cycle.

My progesterone came back at 36 on 3DPO. Not only is this the highest progesterone in a non pregnant cycle, this is my highest progesterone in ANY cycle.

I sit here this afternoon with not a care in the world. Even if I don't get pregnant this cycle, I had a huge break through and obviously my metformin and other medications are starting to do their jobs. Big day indeed.

Can a girl get all giddy from a little P2? She sure can

Sometimes the little things in life are truly bigger than they appear.


  1. That's awesome news!!!! Happy dance on this end!

  2. WOW! That is a great p4 number!! So happy for you!

  3. yay! Praise God for this breakthrough! yippeee!!

  4. Jealous of that number! Woo Hoo!

  5. You sure can!!!! It's FRICKIN' amazing! I'm so glad that the medication is getting stuff done.

  6. Woo hoo!! Celebrate each and every victory.

  7. Whoohoo!! What a nice victory! Nothing like a little P2 to make a girl happy :)

  8. Oh my awesome girl!!!! That's is great news!!!

  9. That really is awesome! It has to be super nice to know that what you are doing is making a difference.
