Thursday, January 16, 2014

Consult with Dr. Kim

Last week I received an email that Dr. Kim wanted to have a phone consult with me regarding my IVIG treatment and the reaction I had. I guess the main problem was the headache I had a week leading into the infusion. She told me to never go into a infusion with a headache, that it will only make things worse. I guess the proteins build up in my vessels and people who suffer from migraines already have bigger vessels which cause water retention of some sort. The proteins will trigger a migraine for those of us already suffering with on going headaches etc. They are going to cut my infusion from 25 grams to 5 grams and lengthen the infusion to five hours and split it up so I have an infusion and the other half of infusion a day later. They will also add saline to help dilute the proteins some, benadryl is suppose to help with the reaction and I am to start my Prednisone two days before the infusion to also help with reaction. My post IVIG blood work came back and my TH/1TH/2 Cytokines are still elevated. I asked if that was common after a treatment. She said yes because they are a smaller cell verses the NK cells and take multiple treatments to get down. She said they are a lot slower verses the NK cells which can go down after one treatment. So I should be able to see a difference in a few treatments.  Today I am 9DPO, if I get pregnant this cycle I will immediately need to have another infusion and also double my steroids and double lovenox. If I am not pregnant this cycle, I will have my next infusion done around CD13 of next one. I was pretty optimistic about this cycle, but at 9DPO and BFN I don't see this one worked. As someone with only a 10-11 luteal phase, it should happen today or tomorrow. I don't feel pregnant though. Either way the good news is I can go forward with another treatment. I won't lie, I am nervous because I don't want to go through that pain again, but I am hoping the changes we are implementing will make a difference. Only time will tell. The most important thing to me right now is we are trying and doing everything possible within our control and we are. 


  1. Praying that the next infusion goes much more smoothly with less side effects. Ugh, what a hard battle to fight. I couldn't even imagine! I am hoping that this was your cycle and you BFP is just a late bloomer. If not, I am super glad you have a game plan. At least for me, a game plan always makes me feel a little better when venturing on to the next cycle... Praying sweet friend! xo

    1. I absolutely agree about game plans. They keep my sane :)

  2. Hoping the next one goes smooth for you. Hopefully by breaking it up that makes a world of difference, at least in my thinking it would.

    1. My doctor thinks it will and also cutting the strength down. I am very hopeful :_

  3. Oh, that's great there are that many things to adjust to possibly help! I had no idea. That is a solid plan and makes sense in my head. I really hope the next one goes better and you can immediately feel awesome! and pregnant!

    1. I am going to stay positive and keep telling myself that it has to be better than the last one :)

  4. Dr. Kim definitely seems to have a lot of answers and a solid plan. Here's hoping the next infusion is a hell of a lot easier on you!

    1. I really like her. I will let you know how it goes :)

  5. Great plan and Dr. Kim looks to be the right person for you! I am praying for a better infusion and a baby in 2014!!

  6. I feel really behind and out of the loop! It sounds like Dr. Kim is really on top of things.
