
Thursday, April 23, 2015

What is?

I posted this question in my mommy group this morning. After all the amazing responses I thought I would post the question here also. I look forward to seeing your answers and hope everyone that follows me will participate.

What is one thing you want for your kids or want to do for your kids that you never had?


  1. Wow this is a great question!! At first I thought it would be easy to answer but the more I think about it it's not. I'll have to think on this a little more and then come back and comment :)

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  3. Here is my answer:

    I want all my daughters to know absolute unconditional love from us. I want them to feel safe always. When I say unconditional, it means unconditional. I want them to know I will always love them regardless of their choices. I might not always agree. This is something I never felt as a child. There are so many things that I want to do with my girls and so many things that I want to share, but first and foremost is breaking the cycle of dysfunctional family.

  4. A sibling and a two parent home. I feel like my life was more complicated for having grown up A) an only child and B) with only one parent (my dad).

    1. I also grew up with a single parent and I made a promise to myself that the girls will grow up with two parents. Al and I made the decision before we were married that divorce wouldn't be an option for us. I am sure there would be a few exceptions to that rule, but I hope we never find out. Great answer, thank you.

  5. I want my kids to be able to stay kids longer than I did. I want them to be oblivious to any financial or family struggles as long as possible. I don't want them worrying about things that are my responsibility, especially at a young age.

    Great questions, very thought-provoking!

    1. Another great answer! I personally love what you said about them being able to stay kids longer and not worrying about adult problems. They shouldn't have to.

  6. I want my daughter to have an easier time when it comes to food in her life.

    1. That is a real struggle and totally understandable.

    2. Me too, but I am currently eating a plate of nachos before going to bed. I don't think that's setting a very good example!

    3. I want my kids to have a stable home. I want to provide the house that all their friends want to hang out at. I hope that Tony and I can be parents that our kids will be proud of.

    4. I definitely think you guys will be cool, fun parents Amber!

  7. I want my daughters to enter adulthood confident and self-sufficient and free of manipulation from me as their mother (can you tell I have a complicated relationship with my own mother? haha).

    1. I love this! I can totally understand the complicated relationship :)
