
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


It was mentioned to me many times that when you have a miscarriage, at least you are getting pregnant and you should be happy about that. Today my heart hearts for someone I know who just found out she lost her pregnancy. I think the hurt cuts even deeper when you finally do get pregnant and lose your baby.

I was personally touched by 6 miscarriages. Only one of them did I ever see the baby and the heartbeat, but I do remember all of my losses.


  1. So sorry to hear of your friends loss. It's hard no matter what.

  2. So sorry girl! I've only ever experienced one and it was so early, 4 weeks, that I didn't get to experience much of pregnancy. I do hold that pregnancy near to my heart as I have gotten pregnant once, but it is never easy no matter how early or late the loss is. Prayers to you and your friend.

  3. I think the notion that "when you have a miscarriage, at least you are getting pregnant and you should be happy about that" is so, so wrong. Thinking of your friend as she copes with such a huge loss.

  4. That's kind of an ignorant thing to say, at least you got pregnant. When someone has suffered a loss, it's the last thing they should have to hear. I'm sorry for your friend. I've had two friends miscarry this week and it just breaks my heart.

  5. I too remember my losses with sorrow in my heart and joy that I have Kyle. I am so sorry for this friend too. It breaks my heart for her.

  6. Please tell your friend I'm so sorry and I will pray for healing. If I could choose between not getting pregnant and miscarrying, I'd pick a BFN every time. I don't know why people say such stupid things.

  7. When I did my first IVF and had a chemical pregnancy, I did take comfort in the fact that at least I COULD get pregnant, which is something we never knew would be possible. However, it would never have been a comforting thought when I had my miscarriage at 9 weeks. It wouldn't have been a comfort if I had multiple chemicals either. So I see both sides of it, because I myself have taken comfort that I COULD get pregnant. Having someone else tell you that though, is just wrong. Miscarriages suck, plain and simple, no matter what.
