
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Some Days

Some days it really it hits me hard when I see fellow friends online etc. taking home their babies and knowing that is not my life right now.


  1. Hugs! Not much else I can say to comfort you. Except maybe that it's going to be OK. I promise. I know you know that. But I remember needing to hear it from other moms myself when I was in the hospital with D. So yeah. Putting one foot in front of the other. That's all you can do. You're doing an incredible job Toni!

    1. Thank you Jules. I miss them so much. Even though I see them everyday, I just feel like a part time mom. We have a bottle of champagne to celebrate when both girls come home.

  2. This is just part of yours and their story. No it's not what you would have chosen and I would never wish this on anyone ever, but when they both are home filling your house with love you will be able to look back and see just how strong they are as well as you and your husband :) (I hope this doesn't come out wrong because I mean it in a good way but it's hard to put the right emotion in typed words) Constantly praying for all of you!!

    1. No I completely understand what you are saying. It is going to be so amazing having them home with us. I would never wish a NICU stay upon any mother or father.

  3. I remember how difficult this period was, particularly seeing others out and about with their kids or families going home. It's hard because we want our children with us and having to leave them in a space that is not home and scary to boot can really tear you apart.

    I will okay what Jules said: it will be okay one day. Even though that day seems light-years away. That day will come when you pack your daughters up, put them both into their car seats and the whole family is loaded into the same car. I promise you that day will be an amazing one.

    In the meantime, take it each day at a time. O&L are growing and getting one step closer every day. All thanks to you and Al.

    Sending love.

    1. Thanks for checking up on me. I emailed you back.

  4. Someday soon that will be your life too. You'll have those beautiful girls at home with you and you can all start a new chapter together. Thinking of you!

  5. It's so easy to feel jealous - easy conception; easy births; babies at home. I think what you are feeling is so normal. You are so strong. Take it one day at a time and be easy on yourself and your emotions as everything really is hard right now. You can do this!!!

  6. Your darling girls will be going home and that's what counts. Keep strong and just remind yourself that the day will come that you're taking them home and have many, many years ahead of you with them.

  7. As my beloved grandmother used to say, "This too shall pass". You'll have those sweet babies home before you know it. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you, though and I am rooting for you all each and every day. Lots of love and hugs, XO

  8. (((Hugs))) my beautiful friend. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this has been for you and Al. You are doing an amazing job as parents and those sweet girls are pretty lucky indeed. Hang in there and know that you have plenty of love flowing your way! Xoxo

  9. I know how you feel. I felt the same way. Oliver was only in the NICU for 2 weeks, but it felt like an eternity. I know how hard it is not having them home with you. But it will happen soon. I felt like all the other families were taking their babies home and we weren't. But then our time came and I felt actually guilty for the other families that were still there. I can't wait for it to happen, and will be here so soon, so soon!!!

    1. That is very true. I do feel bad for the families that their children have worse heart conditions than Lilah and will be there longer and require many more surgeries.

  10. I hope it happens soon my friend….that you're bringing your sweet girls home.

  11. You're half way there! Now all you need is Lilah to come home :)
