
Friday, October 24, 2014

Busy Life........

A quick update while I have a few extra minutes.

The girls are doing great. Olivia came home last Friday and life has been a blur since then. I started back to work . This week Olivia had four doctors appointments. I definitely feel like I am missing my superwoman cape while juggling a baby home, a baby in NICU, doctors appointments and working full time. Some times you don't have a choice and can only make the best of what is put in your path. That is what we are doing.

Lilah is gaining weight. She is up to 4lbs 3 oz, but still no release date from doctors. I suspect it will be at least another 4 weeks, I am sure more like 6-8 weeks. They are just putting weight on her right now and introducing bottles. The problem still remains giving her to much feedings cause more fluid in her lungs that and she is already on four heart medications. So things are slow, but progressing. She is such a fighter!

Olivia is now 5lbs 3oz and I am such a nervous mom with her. Right now she is sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed and I keep my hand on her at night to make sure she is breathing still. My sister bought us the Angelcare mats and Al will install them this weekend. Those along with my video monitoring system, I should feel somewhat at ease. She is eating well and a happy baby.

Here are some pictures of both girls. Sorry for such short update. There seriously aren't enough hours in the day.


  1. So good to hear from you! Glad you've got Olivia home and she is doing so well. I can't wait for Lilah to come too. The girls are just so gorgeous!!

  2. You're doing great, hang in there!!! The girls are adorable!

  3. Yay! So glad that Olivia is home and Lilah is gaining weight. What sweet girls!

  4. Wow. Just wow. Lady, you would put superman to shame. This is a lot. And te fact the girls are doing so well is all due to you and Al. I'm so happy to hear both are gaining weight and doing well. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for a speedy NICU stay for Lilah. Thinking of you all.

  5. You and your girls have been on my mind and in my prayers this week. Glad to hear such a good report!

  6. What sweeties! So glad they are growing and kicking butt!

    You are putting superman to shame. Seriously intense and the fact you are doing it is very impressive. One day at a time. Keeping the whole Rapp family in my thoughts.

  7. You are superwoman! Thanks fir the update!

  8. Great news about both of the girls! So glad you had time for a little update, we've all been thinking about you.

  9. I've been thinking about you - but I don't know how you find time to update at all! You certainly are superwoman! Your girls are doing soooo amazing. Keep it up, mama!

  10. So glad to hear one of your sweet girls is home but I can just imagine the craziness! Glad to hear Lilah is making progress as well :)

  11. omg they are so teeny! but cute! glad you got olivia home with you! glad you're hanging in there!

  12. Congrats on Olivia coming home! I know that life is crazy but it sounds like you are doing a great job juggling everything! Hopefully it gets easier when Lilah comes home.

  13. Yay!!!!!! What beautiful fighters you have!!!! Before you know it, lilah will be home with Olivia. You are amazing.....a true true super mom!!!!

  14. Just think, just 2 weeks ago you thought it was going to be a minimum of 4 weeks before Lilah came home and now she's already coming home! So exciting! I don't know how you are managing to blog at all with the busy life you've been leading. I'm just now reading this and I don't have near as much going on! You definitely DO need one of those Supermom capes!
