
Friday, September 26, 2014

Update on girls

I had some extra time to write today. This morning I woke up with a red rash on my face and a slight fever. The NICU nurse wanted me to be checked out by a doctor before coming to see the girls (which I totally understand). They weren't sure about the rash, but thinks it is allergy reaction and gave me steroid shot, he does want me to wait 24 hours after my fever is gone before going back up to the NICU. Luckily I have amazing sister and husband. My sister sat up there all day with the girls and Al spends so much time up there daily with them. He gets extra snuggle time since he is only on other side of hospital. I am so happy my girls have their daddy so close, it makes me feel so much comfort throughout the day. 

I went back to work this week and it has been HARD. My bosses decided to put me on an hourly salary while the girls are in the NICU. This way I can make my own schedule. The bad thing is, I have to work at least 30 hours a week to maintain our bills until I get my paid maternity leave. It is so hard sitting up at work when I can be at the hospital with the girls. I know it is something I have to do right now. I am in the "suck it up and do it" mode right now.

Today the girls are 16 days old. Lilah might just be turning the corner. I try not to get my hopes up real high for fear that something else is going to happen, but I also want to celebrate her tremedous milestone. Her blood pressure has been steady for two days now. Her color is back and she is such a beautiful little girl. They have removed three of the IV's in her feet and started feedings back up very slowly. She is only on 2 ml at five times a day. They don't want to stress her heart out after just recovering from kidney failure. Everything with her is a very slow process, but my baby girl is recovering and had two great days. Right now that is ALL that matters!

Here is my beautiful little Lilah Grace: Today she is 3 lbs 3 oz. Finally starting to gain back all the weight she lost.

Where do I start on my Olivia June? Wow she is such an amazing little girl. Always full of smiles. For those who say babies really don't smile at this age and it is only gas, well I respectfully disagree. She knows our voices and knows my heartbeat when doing kangaroo care. She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and think on how blessed I am to have this baby in my life and she is mine. Well mine and Al's :) Her feedings were up to 27 ml at five times daily, but she started spitting up after feedings so they put her IV back in and went down to 22 ml's. She is growing everyday and hopefully when she reaches 1800 grams ( which is about 4 lbs 2 oz) she will be taken out of the closed incubator and be able to wear clothes. This will be a huge milestone for her as well. 

Here is my amazing Olivia June. Today she is 3 lbs 9.7 oz.

It sure wasn't my plan to have them here so early and I do wish I could have kept them in a few more weeks, so there weren't so many complications, but I sure love these little girls!

I also want to give a HUGE shout out to my loving husband Al. Without you none of this would be possible. Our girls wouldn't be here. You truly amaze me everyday with the what a true man you are. I love how you jump in and change poop diapers without a second thought. How you love our girls and love me. I know that since the birth I have been suffering with some extreme emotional issues and you are always here for me. Washing and setting up my pumping supplies, tucking me into bed, hugging me and letting me know things will be okay when I am crying from missing them so much. My aunt was right the other day when she said you were a "saint" I agree with her 100% and count my blessings daily. I remember not to take advantage of you, but instead be grateful and love you more. Your parents did an amazing job when raising you into a man. 

I love you so much and more than any word could ever describe. You are my heart, along with our two new daughters and my Cierra.  


This is completely off the topic, but someone sent me an email this week (maybe) she had a little girl that had heart surgery and saw my blog through Cristy's blog. To this person, I am SO sorry I haven't answered you back and now I lost your email. Please know I am not ignoring you and would love to answer back. Could you send me the email again??


  1. So much to say. Let's go in order.

    I really hope this is just allergies. Either way, this sucks. And I'm so sorry about the rash and fever.

    For work, I wish I knew what to tell you to help you through. I was unemployed after my Beats were born, so a lot of my job searching and communications could easily be accomplished in the hospital. I hear you about finances. I just wish I knew a way around it. Would FML act count or does this dip into maternity leave. Argh lady.

    For Lilah, I'm so glad she's stabilized and doing better! It was definitely scary, but she's a strong little girl. I will continue to hold onto hope that she continues to turn the corner and hit more milestones.

    For Olivia, I completely agree with you about the smiles. They know. I have proof of that. So glad to hear she's at 22 ml!! That's fantastic. She's a fighter too.

    And for Al. So not surprised. The good ones are always amazing and he is truly one of the good ones. Still, I will from here on be referring to him as St. Al.

  2. So glad to hear the good news on the girls. They really are so beautiful!!

  3. Gorgeous girls. Hoping you feel better soon and they continue to do make strides.

  4. Your girls are so gorgeous, they really are.
    I love seeing the pictures with your updates. I'm keeping your family in my thoughts.

  5. Love the great updates T!!!!! Your girls are adorable and Al seems pretty amazing!

  6. So amazing!!!! Your girls are so strong!!!! How wonderful. Your husband sounds like an amazing father!!!! You won the lottery in all of it!!!

  7. Continuing to send prayers to you and your family!! And your hubby sounds wonderful! Hope little Lilah keeps improving!

  8. So amazing that just two days you wrote this, and yesterday they were already in clothes! Woo hoo!!! I'm so glad you have such a wonderful husband that takes care of all of you. I do want you to remember though, that those girls wouldn't be here without YOU either! You are such a great team together which will help you get through anything.

    1. Thank you Amber! Your support means so much to me.

  9. Thanks for the updates! I'm so glad they're both doing so well, and I just know things are going to keep going this way.

    1. Awe thank you so much. We are so hopeful they will continue to do well.

  10. I'm so happy to hear the girls are doing well! Your story is what gave me so much hope in seeing Dr. KK and I'm now almost 12 weeks pregnant with a healthy, normal pregnancy thanks to her. :)

    1. This is such amazing news! I am SO happy for you!!

  11. I'm here from LFCA, wishing you nothing but the best and a speedy recovery for your daughters!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sending support to my girls :)

  12. Oh lady I'm so sorry that you couldn't see your beautiful daughters for 24 hours. I hope that your rash has cleared up (still catching up on blog posts after being on vacation).

    I'm so glad that the girls are doing so well! I'm sure that it is so difficult to be working while they are in the NICU but they are in good hands and it will be great when they get home from the hospital for you to have your maternity leave.

    1. Yes it has been so hard having them in the NICU. This week has been good so far and our schedule is working out nicely

      HOpe you had a great vacation!
