
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Twininversity Article

Well my story was on Twiniversity today. I welcome all of you to check it out.


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I have missed all this going on with you!

    Congrats on the gorgeous girls and I'm sending so many positive thoughts to them both.

    I feel awful I missed out on all this, I've been in my old sad little world.

    I'm going to keep following along as those darling girls progress.

    Good luck!

  2. Just read your article and wanted to say thank you for sharing such valuable info! I just had my second IVF BFN after a frozen transfer of a beautiful AA 6 day blast. Every aspect of both my fresh and frozen transfer was perfect and I'm definitely trying to figure out what is wrong! I have a list of questions to ask my RE in Peoria Illinois and immune testing is one of them. I live about 90 miles south west of Chicago and will definitely look into your doctor if I do in fact have immune system issues! Congrats on the birth of your beautiful twins!

    1. Elena, This is the exact reason I shared my story. First of all, I am so sorry your cycle didn't work and I do know how hurtful and frustrating it is. My advice to you is keep pushing forward in your testing, regardless if it is an immune issue or not. Please keep me updated on how things are going.


  3. I hope your story may give answers and help to others. Maybe not answers, but direction toward the necessary help they might need.
