
Thursday, November 15, 2012


I started this blog truly thinking it would be a place for me to talk about feelings due to infertility. I was just starting out and very confused on why I wasn't getting pregnant, but definitely optimistic. The first year I didn't have hardly any followers. I believe for about a solid 9 or 10 months I had about (5). Who would have thought that today I would be saying thank you to (100) followers. Not only followers, but people who care enough about me to stop by and read my continueing journey? There aren't many words that can describe how thankful I am to have so much support here. I have friends and some family that are aware of my struggles. Besides my sister and a few friends, we don't recieve any support. In fact it is a hush hush subject. I guess people think if they don't talk about it then the problem disappears, but as you know, it does not. We have to live with this disease every minute of every day. So you all can understand how much it means to have supportive woman that will be there to pick you up on a bad day, or give you a hug on a good day. 

Thank you for helping me through this battle.

I am doing a give-a-way for my 100 followers Anniversary. 
 In order to enter for this drawing is simple. I want to know ONE thing about you that is NOT infertility related: It can be anything, so please share with me. I will post the winner on Monday, November19th. 

(If any of you have done something similar to this, how did you generate a winner fairly?)

Oh without further adue, here is what you will win:

I apologize that I cut half the picture off. You get one Apple Jack & one Pumpkin homemade natural soap from Lillasyster. I buy alot of her products and there is only one word to some them up, AMAZING! 

Hope you enter to win! Again thank you ladies :)

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