
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CD12 Ultrasound

I went in at 8:00 this morning for my CD12 ultrasound. My only hope was, I had more then one follicle to work with this cycle. I have two on my right ovary measuring 17mm each and my uterine lining is at a 7 today. He told me to give my follies two more days to grow and trigger on Thursday. He told me to start TI on 14th-17th. It feels so weird to be taking such a huge step back from IVF and this is huge! I would absolutely lose my shit if one of these TI cycles actually worked! I don't feel to hopeful this month because my right tube is possibly blocked according to my HSG I had done. I know that you can ovulate through either tube regardless what side, but I still think about it :) Here's to being back on the saddle again


I will update my E2 levels later today.

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