
Friday, September 21, 2012


Yesterday I woke up to heavy bleeding followed by cramps and pressure like I needed to have a bowel movement. I thought I was just feeling bad due to the bleeding. When I got to work I started feeling lightheaded and sick to my stomach. I put a call into the RE's office. My doctor was gone and the other RE was in with patients, so I left a message. After about 45 minutes I started feeling much worse and panic set it. I drove myself over to the ER and my husband met me there. I guess he also called our doctors office and was told she was in a room with a patient so he waited on hold for her to get done. The ER was crowded and people were everywhere. I told the lady at the window what was going on and Al told them our doctor was calling the ER supervisor  and she would send over one of her residents to check on me. Sometimes it is nice to know people in higher places. Since Al works for the hospital I was taken back immediately. The doctor had already ordered blood and u/s before I was even checked in. When they took my vitals, my pulse was 199 and blood pressure was 189/100. I think alot of it was my panic attack. They didn't see anything on ultrasound in my uterus. Of course the ER doctor automatically assumed we didnt have ectopic because they didn't see anything. He did say my hcg levels were 667 which 24 hours prior they were 498. Huge jump. My RE finally made it over and looked at the u/s and bloodwork and then he did exam, He said I do have ectopic and my levels were still too low to see it. Due to the pain, bleeding, and all the other symptoms. He gave us two choices; Choice #1 was to go in and do a Lap  and D&C or do a shot of the Methotrexate. His only concern is the shot doesn't take effect immediately and the embryo could grow before then and possibly rupture my tube. My husband and I made the decision of the shot. I just had surgery in July and I don't want another one so soon. We will go back in on Sunday and have levels checked. He said it is very possible I will also need a second shot.

After being in the hospital for 9 hours yesterday, it reality of this situation hit Al and I. I know it is early and I might be a little traumatized from this whole ordeal, but I don't want to get pregnant. I don't want any kids. I am scared to death after this. The doctor prescribed me so Valium for the next few weeks. I had a panic attack in the ER yesterday that was like the first one I ever had 20 years ago that landed me in the hospital. I wanted to die. Only people who suffer from severe panic attacks can understand that statement. It is the scariest place to be. They did give me some medications in my IV because my pulse and blood pressure where so high. I don't ever want to be there again. I want to move on in our life. We had talked about continuing treatment next year, we decided against it yesterday.

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