
Friday, September 21, 2012

September ICLW

I have skipped a few months due to our ivf cycle. We just finished our last and 2nd ivf cycle in August and had our beta on September 5th. It was positive and our second almost tripled. After that things went down hill very quickly. I was spotting from day 10DPO and on our third beta our numbers only raised about 100 points within 7 days. Same thing happened with #4 and #5. Doctors suspected the pregnancy was not viable and possibly ectopic. I ended up in the hospital for ectopic pregnancy yesterday and received my 1st methotrexate shot. This was our 2nd failed ivf and previous to that, we had 4 failed iui's with injections. Not sure where we go from here, but definitely know that we are taking a nice long break from treatments. With no insurance coverage we (like most of you) are over $20,000 in debt and emotionally drained from this process. 

I would like to say thank you for stopping by and checking my blog out. Always love to have new followers and read new blogs.

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