
Thursday, September 20, 2012


Sorry I didn't have much information yesterday due to the fact my husband talked to the doctor and then passed information back to me over the phone. The doctor is concerned that this pregnancy is ectopic due to the fact that my levels are still rising. Here are my levels so far:

9/5- Beta #1   59.9
9/7- Beta #2   148
9/11- Beta #3  237
9/13- Beta #4  298
9/19- Beta #5  500

Since I have been having some light shooting pains and have been bleeding daily since 10DPO or 7DP3DT, he feels that there is a good possibility this is ectopic. He did mention that it could also be possible that the embryo is in fact in my uterus and not viable. We are scheduled for a ultrasound next Monday morning. The reason for waiting until Monday is, my levels are still low for ultrasound. They usually don't see anything until your levels are closer to 1,000. He seems to believe by Monday he can see if the embryo is in my tube. He also said if I start having significant pains to go to ER a.s.a.p, so fingers crossed that Monday is marks the last day of this on going suck ass situation. 

Yesterday our geologist came in while I was on the phone with husband and over heard the conversation about ectopic etc. She knows we have been going through fertility treatments. She asked if I was doing okay, so I explained what was going on. She of course said how sorry she was and then proceeded to tell me that it's not over. HOLD on to your hats ladies, here comes the fun statements we all love to hear. Actually I want a plaque with all these fun little full of shit only fertile people believe in horse shit facts:

Her 1st comment:

"Oh well you can still get pregnant if you relax" or "have you thought about adoption because I know people who adopted and then got pregnant"

I looked at her nicely and said "as much as I like you Connie, these are absolutely bullshit statements with NO medical backing." "I would go as far as to say these comments are things that fertile woman believe because they have never dealt with this situation". 

She is a very sweet woman and only had best intentions saying that stuff to me, but OMG when is the ignorance going to end?

Well I go into the pcp today for some medications, wish me luck.  

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