
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beta #5 Bad News

My husband just called me and my levels are still rising, they are at 500 today and the doctor is  concerned that it is ectopic. He urged Al to have me come in for an ultrasound to see if he could find the pregnancy. If it is in my tubes then I can get a shot to dissolve and if it is in the uterus somewhere it will dissolve itself. He asked about my bleeding and if I was having any pains. My bleeding is still light and yes Ive been having sharp shooting pains. I am so torn. My husband is worried and wants me to go in and have this done. The doctor said if I didn't want to see him to please go to the emergency room or to another doctor.  When will this end? Haven't I been put through enough? What in the hell did I do to deserve this?

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