
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yesterday Al and I decided to get out of the house for a while and do some shopping. We stopped by a place near our house that used to be a skating rink but now is an antique shop called The Rink. My husband loves to go antique shopping, me on the other hand, I hate it. I wanted to really do something that he likes yesterday due to the fact that we always do what I want. Here is a picture of why I say just because its old doesnt mean its an antique. This thing was just plain freaky looking! Al was looking at the $90 price tag on it.

Is it just me or is this something that nightmares are made of? Look at the huge deformed feet on this creature. I will never look at Easter the same!

I also decided to pick up a hobby. I really want to learn how to quilt but our house is just so small. I am putting that hobby on hold until we buy another house next year (fingers crossed). Instead I decided to start crocheting. Just remember before you look at this picture that I have not crocheted and watched a quick video before I decided to jump right in. A friend of mine thankfully told me that my tension was not even and thats why it was curving. I started all over later last night and my new piece is much straighter! Here is a picture of my mess.

Finally! I got a call from my clinic and she should have my new ivf calendar done within the next few days! I start my birth control pills back up tomorrow night. My cycle is so super messed up right now. She said I might spot for the few days I was off the pills and I am, does that count as starting a new cycle? I will be on them all the way until August now. I also got my acupuncture appointments set up and start going in two weeks. Relaxing should be easier to accomplish this go around with crocheting, acupuncture, and ivf relaxation cd.  I am just a little high strung :)

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