
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone! This has always been my favorite holiday hands down.  I love the thought of bbq with friends and family and beautiful fireworks to celebrate all the freedom we have as a country. I know that I complain a lot about stupid laws such as the Parenthood Acts and only a few states being mandated for infertility coverage, but all and all we live in a awesome country and I am absolutely Proud to be an American. I am also so proud of the countless men and woman that fight for our country to make this possible.

This year we are really playing low key around the Rapp household. For some reason the after effects of this surgery are just hanging around. Now I am starting to have shooting pains throughout my uterus. I figured to play it safe and just hang out around the house this 4th.  Oh! before I forget be sure to stop over at Ali's page she is going in for her 1st revival tomorrow and could use a little pep talk from all of us!

Hope everyone has a amazing day and can find one thing to be thankful for this 4th. I am thankful for my amazing husband husband and wonderful daughter. They have been so supportive since my surgery and I couldn't ask for better care takers!

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