
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Float Trip

The river resort was awesome. The water was about 50 degrees and amazing. Spending time with my family was wonderful. Coming down with a nasty stomach bug on Saturday, well that sucked. I was stuck in the cabin most of the day Saturday pooping my brains out and feeling like I was going to puke. Finally my sister said I might feel better sitting down in the water so I gave it a shot. With the water being so cold, it really did help. Then when I would try to eat something I felt like shit (literally) again. Everyone had a great time though and that is what counts. I am not looking forward to starting my lupron shots tonight because of how bad I already feel. Guess I have to suck it up and do them anyway, ugh....

Here are a few pics from trip:

                               Al and Cierra floating down after they opened the gates and river filled up.

                               Not sure why I have that face. Maybe because water is freezing!
                               Our niece Briley is exhausted!
                                Our niece Bailey trying to skip rocks
                              My sister fighting the current to get to the shore without drowning LOL.      
                              She succeeded.

Rented us a golf cart to get around :)

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