
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Horse A Blanket A Sob Story

This will be a long drawn out post today but worth it so I can share a story of a special horse named Cody.

Last Thursday a friend of mine on facebook took a picture of a starving horse in Stillwater. Of course this started a frenzy and so many of us were upset and wanted something done about this horse. Here is Cody:

As you can see this poor guy is in BAD condition. Well a group of us started making phone calls to the Sheriffs Department, animal control, rescue groups, vets etc.  The Payne County Sheriffs Department told all of us that this was " an old horse with no medical conditions and they were waiting for him to die" I was absolutely flabbergasted that this was coming out of a place who is suppose to serve and protect. I contacted the local news stations, newspaper etc. through facebook and also their direct sites. I was told by the sheriffs department to take pics of this horse off social media and leave this alone, not to call them any further that the horse was just old. By this time hundreds of people are calling and trying to help Cody. I have a friend that lives in Stillwater and went by to feed and water him. According to the news stations that WOULD NOT do a story is was because of this: They talked to sheriffs department and was told the horse was old and was checked out by vets and was deemed healthy so the news stations wouldnt do a story. Finally yesterday after much fighting the D.A. decided to press charges against this woman . Cody weighed 700lbs while he should have been 1200 lbs and the owner used to be a vet before she had her license yanked. This had also previously been brought before D.A. and sheriffs department. She was under probation of sort and was suppose to be getting Cody back to health and the sherrifs department was suppose to be watching. Neither did their job and the ball was dropped.  As of 5 p,m yesterday, Cody was picked up by a horse rescue and taken to the hospital. He is very malnorished, dehydrated, and a very sick horse but they are doing their best to nurse him back. It was average everyday joes that saved this horse and not the people voted into positions to help. I am sick to my stomach with the Sheriffs Department and news stations but grateful that a bunch of us helped save his life.
Here is the facebook link to the rescue that saved him. Please donate money to organizations like this.!/pages/Horse-Feathers-Equine-Rescue/101297646610442

I finally finished my first ever crocheted blanket! It doesnt look perfect but I am pretty darn proud of it.
And now onto a short sob story:

I freaking hate Lupron side effects. I feel so crappy and keep telling myself it will only be like this for a few more weeks, ugh.

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