
Monday, July 23, 2012


So as you know today was my post-op check up and my mock transfer to see if my surgery was successful.

It was a success!

This is the 1st time ever, out of all of my procedures that the doctor was able to insert a catheter in under 15 minutes. As you know my last ivf transfer took an hour in a half and about 5 different catheter's. So here is the breakdown. I had a fibroid that was located 3 cm inside, right next to my cervix. This one the first place he would always get stuck when doing a iui or ivf. The 2nd place was 5 cm inside. This area has two different problems, one fixable the other not. The fixable area was ridges on my uterus he shaved off during surgery. The not fixable problem I still have is a sharp right turn followed by a sharp left turn going into my uterus. Today after only two different catheters, he was able to get past the 3cm with little pain and then he pulls it back out and bends the line to help go through the other passage with little pain. My doctor was a very happy man today and we all celebrated this huge victory! Now with all that being said, he did tell me that my transfer will still be hard but definitely more managable. He doesn't think we will need to go through my abdomen as of now. He did say that we will still prepare and order the extra supplies just in case it comes down to it during transfer.

As of today this cycle is already different.  I also might be in better spirits knowing this is our last ivf, win or lose. I have also noticed that I've been spotting almost the whole time while being on bcp this go around. That never happened last cycle, but he assured me that is normal :)

Start my Lupron this Sunday.

Next big appointment is August 8th for bloodwork and u/s for suppression check and getting ready for stims on August 11th.

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