
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One verses Two

I am referring to ivf #1 verses ivf #2. I have to say that I am more postive and less stressed about this cycle. During my first ivf I had no idea what to expect. I read blog and people told me their stories etc. but I really didnt know.  I know this time that Lupron is the drug from hell for me at least and it takes everything I have not to lose my shit while on it. I know that having an E2 level of level of almost 400 on stims day two, might not be the best thing. I definitely know now that having a shit load of follicles might not be the best thing either. I was so freaking excited when I found out how many I had and just knew for sure that I would have frozen embies.... Haha wrong. Also the assumption of having frozen embryos which is the exception to the rule. I won't make that mistake again. I also learned that transfer is different for everyone and mine sucked balls. The  2ww wait, this is where I learned the most. When testing during my 2ww, most people kept telling me to hold strong and the tests might be wrong because it was early. *cough, cough* bullshit, sorry guys but that is a way for a supportive community to support you. I knew as each day went on and my tests were stark white that the cycle failed. My clinic told me to wait until beta because blood pics up lower amounts. Well I had a FRER pick up hcg levels at 10 so that was bullshit also.

I have learned so much going through a failed cycle. I definitely know that this time I am going in more prepared with knowledge and experience.  So with that, it really puts me at ease and I am completely mentally and physcially prepared for this. I am also prepared for a failed cycle, but hoping that it is a success. I know this sounds kind of messed up, but I am happy that my 1st failed cycle prepared me for my 2nd.

Btw: Good luck to all of the ladies in tww, retreival and transfers within these next few weeks :)

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