
Thursday, June 21, 2012

ICLW, Welcome!

A huge hello to anyone new stopping by my blog this week. You have actually caught me in a pretty good time. I go in next Friday to have some ridges removed from my uterus and then I start stims on August 11th for ivf #2 (retreival) should be close to my birthday on August 19th! A little history; I will be turning 37 in August and suffer from secondary infertility. My daughter will be 15 in July and a sophmore in high school. (Not sure where all these years went). I was married about 2 1/2 years ago to my amazing husband Al and we started ttc immediately after we married (well actually a little before). Long story short; after almost 2 1/2 years of trying we have had many failed cycles which include 8 clomid cycles, 4 injectable iui's and 1 ivf back in February. We have the offical diagnosis of "unexplained infertility" all test come back within normal levels. The doctor does seem to think I have an "invisible" wall on my uterus that really poses a problem trying to get a catheter though. All of my iui's and ivf were very difficult with this process. Infact my ivf I was on the table for over a hour in half while they tried to get it through. My doctor has discussed with me in very little detail that it is possible for us to go through my abdomen and transfer the embyros that way. This procedure is up in the air until my surgery so we can see if there is a clear passage.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you stick around to follow the rest of my journey!

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