
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Almost back

I am so close to being back to normal and thank goodness for that! Whatever I had, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (well probably not). I had to quit taking my vitamins for a few days due to puking everything up and hope I can start taking them tomorrow. 

While I was in the E.R. the nurse asked who my OB/GYN was. Well looks like we have the same one and both received the letter last week that she is leaving OU and opening up private practice. I really want to follow her but need to make sure that if I get pregnant she can deliver at OU. The nurse through E.R. informed me that being "high risk" I should stick with OU and not follow her to the private practice. Since when does not being able to get pregnant put you in the category of high risk pregnancy? If I wasn't shitting and puking everywhere I most likely would debated this issue, but I let it pass.

I was curious about something. My doctor mentioned to me during our last transfer that it is possible to go in through the abdomen during a transfer. He hasn't done it to often but some woman have to have it. Are any of you familiar with this procedure or know anyone that had it done? After my surgery if we are still having issues getting the cath  in, I am seriously considering this procedure. There isn't alot of information on it and I haven't really went into serious discussion with my doctor yet. It may be something worth talking about when we try for the mock transfer though. Hopefully he can remove this ridges and that will make a huge difference on getting inside my uterus this time! Please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies. I really need this to work!

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