Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dumps and Ups

I can't believe I am saying this, but I am in a total blogging dump lately. Since I changed my blogging address I lost over 70% of my followers and most of the things I blog about are things I already put on my infertility group. Maybe I will get out of the blogging funk soon.

Well I heard back from my insurance company and was absolutely floored to hear that we will only be paying a $30 co-pay for each $3,000 infusion of gammagard. I can't even tell you how absolutely blessed I feel at this point. I could have sat back after all the bad news I received from Dr. Kim and felt sorry for myself, but I chose to take another path, a better one for me. Now each day is looking up and I have medications that will allow me to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Being able to say I no longer have "unexplained infertility" is a pretty freaking amazing feeling.  I am feeling much better physically after starting all my medications. I have more energy! Today I am 6DPO and waiting on AF so we can start our new protocol. On CD1-3 I will need to have lots of blood drawn and sent to Chicago. This is going to be a little bit of a pain since I need to have it done in two different places. My RE clinic will draw the blood that needs to be sent to Chicago. Then I have to go to an outside lab to have the other draws done. Unfortnantely the outside lab wouldn't draw my blood and give it to me so I could send to Chicago. If they would have, then I would be able to have this done in one place. I am SO happy that I got it all figured out though! This blood draw will need to be done every cycle until we get pregnant. After pregnancy it is a whole different story. I will post another time on all the tests and monitoring that will need to be done at that point.

Well this weekend was my niece Briley's 5th birthday party. The theme was a Fancy Nancy Tea Party and my sister did an amazing job. In fact, it was the best birthday I have ever attended! Most of us dressed up and we all had tea, cookies, sandwiches and some yummy birthday cake. Here are some pictures from the event. Enjoy!


  1. Wow that is a lot of running around for blood work! It's crazy the things we do.

    I love the birthday party. What a great idea! Your sister did a great job!

  2. so much to do, but you are super organized so I know you can do it!! that birthday party was awesome! I think I want to do that for my 38th!

  3. That's insanely good news about the insurance company! Very awesome. I know that the news from Dr. Kim is hard and disheartening, but lady you finally have something to work with. And I for one believe that this path is the one that will finally lead to resolution. Hence I fully support your attitude.

    Love the photos!! Looks like a super fun birthday!

  4. I'm back, I didn't know you changed!! I'm sorry you are having a blue kind of week but I am sooooo excited that you are getting the treatment you so need for a fraction of the cost! Yahhh! xo my dear 1 step closer!

  5. That's amazing that your insurance will cover almost all of the infusions! This news makes me very happy indeed ☺
    What a beautiful tea party!
