Thursday, July 11, 2013

Planning our Chicago Trip

Well I think that everything is officially in place for our upcoming trip to Chicago. We booked our flights about a week ago and last night Al booked our hotel. It is a very nice hotel in Chicago and we got a great rate through his job. I am not sure what I am more excited about at this moment, the fact of seeing Dr. Kim or the fact of visiting a new place.

Not sure if I have told you guys this, but I have a few fears and the top two is snakes and heights. What is the best way to overcome a fear? Look that sucker in the eyes! As you know I held a huge snake while we were in Mexico last year. I was freaking out on the inside. Al couldn't believe I did it, but I knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance and did it! Here I am "Tonisha the snake Goddess" not really, but I did do it.

Which brings me to my biggest fear and that is heights! Well look what I found in Chicago, the ledge at the skydeck....................

I told Al that I am doing this. He laughed and said there is no way I will go out in that room. Hmm I love when people tell me I can't do something. I do it just to prove them wrong. Although looking at this picture is already making me nervous and nauseous, but I am going to do it while we are there.

I think after that action, the rest of the trip will be lay back casual fun and nothing to excited. We are going to shop the magnificent mile, going to see the bean, hopefully visiting the zoo or aquarium and a few other things. Honestly as much as we can get packed into Saturday, Sunday & Monday. Tuesday is our appointment and we are flying back home Tuesday evening.

I was driving into work this morning thinking about my appointment and all the other woman going through unexplained infertility. A sudden feeling of fear came over me and I thought "what if all my test come back normal"? Is that even possible? Can a person really have no explainable reason for infertility? Okay then I came back to reality and I know there has to be something wrong with me and I am almost confident that my ANA will come back positive again for the third time.

So here is my question for you today. What is your biggest fear in life?

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