Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Incompetent PCP

The title of this blog is 100% accurate.  As you know about 2 weeks ago I went to see a new PCP for my migraines. After waiting forever he finally came in to see me and we discussed my history with my RE. I told him that my RE has me starting clomid this cycle and I can only do (3) UN-monitored. He was pretty knowledgeable about infertility.  Our meeting ended with him going to call me RE to see if I could take a beta blocker for my migraines. Days and days pass and nothing. I finally got my prescription today after work. I thought it was odd that it was $50.00 and I had two bags. It wasnt until I got home that I noticed......... DRUM ROLL PLEASE

This doctor prescribed me 60 pills of clomid and on the bottle it said to take 2 a day, EVERYDAY! Anyone of you that have taken clomid know you only take for 5 days! Thank god I know my fertility drugs. I called the pharmacy furious that they would even put a label on the bottle. They should have known what clomid was and they should have know you cant take it everyday! What kind of doctor prescribes someone 60 pills and (3) refills? Now if you have been paying close attention I went to him for migraines medications NOT clomid. I did get that prescription also but now I am scared to take it because it says if you stop taking it, you can have sharp chest pains, slow heart rate and possibly a heart attack. Looks like I am going back to ibuprofen.

Is it just me or does this seem very negligent to anyone else? I called and left a message with my RE's office because I know my doctor will shit a golden Twinkie when he sees what this new pcp did. I wonder what would happen if you took two clomid a day for 30 days? 

Sorry this was a rant but I am completely in shock right now that this medication made it from a prescription pad all the way to my house.

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