
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Carseat Safety

I am having a major breakdown this morning. For weeks now I have seen pictures of babies not buckled in their carseats, in the seats with loose straps, in the seats with one strap, forward facing, in wrong seats etc. I've also noticed that at daycare dropping off and picking up that it seems like it takes me for ever to get Olivia strapped in and placed. Other parents are zooming in out and so quickly. I started observing and noticed why. About 90% of them are putting their children in the seats absolutely incorrect and wrong. 

What does a person do? 

I have approached the owner of the daycare about posting on the bulletin board about car seat safety and that way the parents can see what they are doing! Of course in my opinion it is pure 100% laziness and nothing more. But, it is so very frustrating to see this.

Have you noticed this in your state? 


After posting this, I was so upset that I called my sister and she gave me some wonderful resources. I ordered 20 child safety seat booklets I am going to put up at the center for parents to read. I also called and talked to the owner of the center about my concerns. It seems I am not the first parent to have these issues. I also have a call in to the coliation coordinator of SafeKids Oklahoma to see if she can set up a car seat check and installation at the daycare. 


  1. I get that using a car seat isn't straight forward, but it's not THAT difficult. Ugh, I'm so sorry T. Thank you for being proactive. Car seat safety is so important.

  2. That's a great idea to have people ready and able to inspect cars eats at the center. I am a little crazy about car seat safety but I feel like part of it was the NICU and the other part is I took it to the state police to get it installed. I actually learned a lot from them like you can't leave the bar up while riding and that mirrors and toys aren't safe. My girls are still in the infant car seats but will be rear facing for quite some time. They're peanuts!

    1. Liz I think the NICU really set us up to be successful with the car seat safety. I sister was also certified and gave us demonstrations on what was correctly done verses incorrectly. I think my little peanuts will be in infant seats for a while. We already bought the convertible seats, but they will probably be sitting in the boxes until summer

  3. This is so important. I mean anything involving little ones is and it just seems like some parents don't take it that seriously. It's so sad really but you are doing a wonderful thing by being proactive about it :)

    1. Thank you. If my information can help one family change installed or putting baby in car seat incorrectly, then I feel like I have accomplished my goal.

  4. I'm so passionate about car seat safety too. My in-laws (SIL & MIL) had our nephew forward facing at 8 months and I freaked out!!! I am also having problems with them safety buckling my 3 year old. I had educated them at length and thought it was good now. Then, just this week found his car seat in their car buckled very loosely. My FIL is a firefighter and still can't get it right. I'm at such a loss of what to do - do I ban them from driving my children?

    1. What a hard situation you're in. I would definitely not let them take your babies. Their stupidity could possible harm your children.

  5. Awesome that you are being so proactive! All those babies at the day are will be your girls' friends! Terrifying that something could happen to them that could have been prevented.

    1. Amber it is funny you said that because I have been thinking the same thing. Olivia is really starting to notice the other kids and she watches them and wants to be on the floor around them. They will be her friends.

  6. Good for you for doing something about what you saw in a positive way - you go girl!!!!

    1. It was hard to make this decision. I really wanted to confront the parents and slap them over the head, but we all know that is not a productive way to handle a situation.

  7. I'm telling you, I can get my 5yo into his seat and correctly buckled in under 30 seconds. I'm a pro after five years of doing it.

    Maybe these parents are pretty experienced and have the routine down?

    1. I wish that were the case, but it's not. I have been watching them.

  8. Oh my gosh, this happens so often here in my city. I always want to comment on pictures and call them out, but I never do. I should. I think I'm afraid of the "you don't have kids, how would you know" kind of comments. Thank you for being proactive and inspiring me to be proactive too!!

    1. I honestly hope no one would ever make that comment. I do know how defensive people get when you comment on something like car seat safety though. It usually is a very awkward conversation.
