
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Early Christmas

I wanted to wish all of my friends and fellow bloggers a Merry Christmas. We are packing up and heading out to Arkansas to celebrate with Al's family. We are pretty excited that the girls get to meet their great grandfather ( Harpo) and both their aunts/families. Packing for a trip with small infants is a chore in itself. I have literally made a list and I am checking it twice LOL. Mainly remembering all of Lilah's medical accessories. 

I will keep those of you still waiting on your little miracles close to my heart. I know that Christmas is a difficult time of the year. You put on your brave faces, smile and try to make it through. It is so hard. I know I sound like a broken record, but don't give up. I have faith it is going to happen. I can tell you story after story of woman I know that got pregnant after SO MANY failures. SO many years. I did. So please know you're not alone and never forgotten. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ..........................................  FROM THE RAPPS.



  1. Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a fun and successful trip. Packing for an infant is no joke- even without medical supplies!

  2. Merry Christmas to you! I can't even imagine having to pack for yourselves + 2 babies. We always seem to forget stuff and it's just us two adults. Have a wonderful time celebrating with family! I'm sure everyone is going to be so excited to see those precious babies.

  3. Marry Christmas to you too!! Safe travels :)

  4. Merry Christmas sweet friend!! XOXO Safe Travels!!

  5. Safe travels and wishing the Rapp family a wonderful holiday season!

  6. I've been thinking of you a lot over the past month or so, but have just been catching up on your blog...I love all the pictures of your beautiful girls!! They are soooo adorable! I think you are amazingly strong & your love for your girls is very evident. I hope you enjoy every minute of your first Christmas as a family of 5. Wishing you all health and happiness in the coming New Year!

  7. Merry Christmas and safe travels!

  8. Merry Christmas! Enjoy celebrating with your family and those two little precious girls!

  9. Merry Christmas, Toni! Hope you have safe travels and enjoy this holiday season with your girls.
