
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Schedules are life savers.

Well things are going great at home for the most part. I did learn earlier in the week that there is something called "the witching hour" and let me tell you, this is a real thing! Our girls are really great sleepers and happy babies for the most part. Until 9pm-11pm and they become possessed! Screaming, blood curdling screaming. We hold, we rock, we change diapers, we walk around, we talk, we kiss their cute little heads, we give gas drops. Nothing works.... After the nightly witching hour, our little angels return and everything is happy in the Rapp household. Oh and let me tell you how a schedule has saved our lives. I am not sure about other moms of singletons or twins, but we need a schedule. 

Since Lilah came home, we put both girls on the NICU schedule. This includes feedings and diaper changes every three hours. It is a must with Lilah and especially because of her medications. She is on about 8 different meds and it is given to her every three hours. Our schedule goes like this:

8am- Wake the girls up. Change diapers, listen to make sure NG tube is in place on Lilah. Give meds, bottle feed Olivia and tube feed Lilah

9am-10:30am- Cuddles and nap time

10:30-11am- Feeding preparations. Change diapers, make sure NG tube is in place,  give medications, start warming bottles and feed at 11am.

11:30-1:30pm- More cuddles, activity time ( either activity mats, swings, or bouncers), naps

1:30-2:00- Feeding preparations. Change diapers, make sure NG tube is in place, give medications, start warming formula.

2:30-4:30- naptime

4:30-5:00- Feeding preparations. Change diapers, make sure NG tube is in place,  give medications, start warming bottles and feed.

5:30-7:00- More cuddle time, read books, play in swings, activity mat, spend time with big sister and get more cuddles.


8:00 pm- Feeding preparations. Make sure NG tube is in place,  give medications, start warming bottles and feed.


9pm-11pm- Lots of screaming and more cuddles

11pm-1:45am- sleeping girls

1:45am- Feeding preparations. Change diapers, make sure NG tube is in place,  give medications, start warming bottles and feed.

2:30-4:30- Sleeping girls

4:30- 5:00am-Feeding preparations. Change diapers, make sure NG tube is in place,  give medications, start warming bottles and feed.

5:30-8:00am- Sleeping girls

 As long as we stick to this schedule things run pretty smoothly in our household. During the days Al and I both split up taking care of girls, house work etc. I usually go to bed around 8 or 9 and sleep until the 2 am feeding. Al goes the 11pm feeding and then the 5 am feeding. 

Here are some picture of our growing girls. Lilah is now weighing 6lbs 1 oz. 



  1. aw they are too cute!! Love that smile :)

  2. Schedules are key and it sounds like you guys are on a good one!

    That smile in the second picture? OMG adorable. Love it!

  3. Oh yeah. Remember the witching hour.

    For us, swings helped. We bought both a Mamaroo and were given a Fisher price Snugabunny swing. As soon as both started screaming, in they went. Not always perfect, but far better than nothing.

    We also adhered to a strict schedule with our twins. Frankly, I've yet to meet a mom of multiples who doesn't as it's near impossible to function without one (unless your entire extended family moves in). I bought an app for my phone to help with keeping track of their feedings and diapers. Later on, the schedule allowed for a smooth transition to solids and establishing nap times. We still have a pretty strict schedule, though now with so wiggle room in the morning (She-Beat has zero desire to wake up at 5 am for milk, so we let her sleep in till 7 am, when both usually get up for the day).

    Glad to hear the girls are doing so well!

  4. Oh my gosh, those sweet faces! Those pictures are the best! I remember with my daughter it was around 4 months that the "witching hour" started to go away. Ours was a little earlier from like 8-10pm, she had to be held while she slept during that time and fed on and off. I'm sure that's so much harder with the tube feeding and needing to be on a schedule. We just cluster fed (breast and xtra bottles when needed). My son just screamed from 9-10 no matter what we did ;)

  5. I am so glad to be beyond that schedule! lol It sounds exhausting, but so totally worth it too. Sounds like you have a great schedule. I love how you and Al are able to work together so well.

  6. Lilah is such a smiley girl! They are both absolutely gorgeous!! Glad to hear you are down to a schedule and everything is great.

  7. Look at that grin! Keep fattening up, you little turkey! :)

  8. OMG so precious and adorable!!!! Love the smiles so much!!!!

  9. So whenever I read these "day in the life" posts, I get a little terrified. I am not a schedule person. I can't even imagine how crazy (disorganized!) my life is going to be - and I'm only having ONE! It sounds like you are doing great though - and those smiles! So precious.

  10. Being gorgeous would be an understatement for your girls. They look alike:)
    my schedule for my 4 month is all over the place when it comes to sleeping. He likes to sleep late and even if I put him earlier, he wakes up. Maybe it is because I only bf him. Formula is known to be stronger and it has something that makes baby sleep longer, but my boy doesn't want it.
    anyhow, happy everything goes well:)
