
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

One Month Old

Four weeks ago my two little babies were born at 30 weeks. It has been a long month and I know there are many days ahead of us in the NICU still. Today we celebrate the girls making it through a full month.

Olivia June- is doing fantastic! She weighs 4lbs 0.6 oz as of today. Last night she took a full 30mls of bottle and didn't choke once. She downed the whole bottle in one setting! I hope this is a sign of good things to come with her suck, swallow and breathing. Before she can be released from the hospital, she needs to be able to take ALL her feedings through a bottle. Also they are going to try to move her to a crib today. I am hoping to see my little lady laying in a crib tonight during my visit. (Pictures will be available tomorrow). As of now it looks like a possible Halloween release for my baby girl #2.

Happy One Month Olivia June!~

Lilah Grace- What can I say about this little fighter? She is the strongest, most determined baby and such a will to keep moving forward and get stronger. God I love her so much! For the past few days she has gained weight, 50 grams to be exact. She did lose 10 grams last night. I spoke with the Cardiologist and if Lilah keeps maintaining or gaining weight, they are moving her surgery until next week. Fingers crossed. She needs to put on as much weight as possible and grow stronger. They feel confident that the band will help her greatly. I must admit it kills me heart every time the nurses and doctors refer to her hole as "huge". Did I mention what an amazing little baby she is? Oh and she is a squeaker. It is the cutest thing ever. When you hold her she squeaks!

Happy One Month Old Lilah!

Since Olivia will be home in a matter of weeks and Lilah still looking at another few months in the hospital, I have talked to Al and have decided to talk with my bosses about bringing her to work with me. I am still working full time. Al visits the girls before work and during lunch. I come in early and work until about 3 and head to the hospital for a few hours. Luckily we only have three employees at our office and it is not opened to the public, so I feel safe bringing her up here with me. If I can do this until Lilah comes home then I can take 12 weeks with the girls at that point. I can't imagine blowing through my maternity leave and having Lilah come home to be with others while I work. She will need me when she comes home. So wish me luck!


  1. I hope your bosses approve your request! Keep gaining weight Lilah!

  2. You are an incredible mother! Keep up the great work!

  3. What sweet, happy little girls! They look so peaceful. I hope you are able to arrange to bring Olivia with you to work--what a blessing for you guys! Good luck!

  4. I hope your bosses approve, that would be so very helpful for you! Glad to hear Lilah has gained some wait and praying she continues to do so!

  5. I love the looks of joy on their faces! So precious. Keep up the good work, mama!

  6. Good luck, i am praying your bosses let you bring her! they are both so sweet!

  7. Oh, these pictures just make me smile! I'm so proud of both them, especially Lilah. She definitely gets her strength and resolve from you. Fingers crossed your boss lets you bring sweet girl to work with you so that you can enjoy the full twelve weeks with BOTH girls. I'll be looking forward to that update. XO

  8. Got my party hat on. One month!! Both your girls are doing awesome and it's because of you and Al.

    Can't wait to see the photos and will continue to send lots of love to all of you. Go Rapp family!

  9. So gorgeous and precious! May God protect them both! Your boss has been good so far. I hope he will allow you to bring the baby.

  10. I can't see how your boss can say no with all you guys have been through and how hard you work! Love the pics of the girls.

  11. I'm so glad that it will work out for Olivia to go to work with you until Lilah comes home! How perfect that she got out of the hospital on a Friday and you will have the weekend with her! (In addition to your NICU visits and Lilah of course)
