
Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today I am a NICU mom of two babies. They are 21 days old. I never realized how truly exhausting it really was. With that being said, there is no other place I would rather be. I watch my two beautiful daughters grow stronger daily. They look at me with these amazing smiles and such sweet faces. I look past all the IV's and the monitors daily. I remember the first week they were in the NICU, it was so overwhelming. I remember crying and crying. My heart hurt so badly seeing all those lines and seeing the monitors beeping red because of the Bradys (Bradycardia) spells. All the nurses phones start ringing and it can be very upsetting to see it until you get used to being around it. I also felt horrible they were in the incubators and haven't been with each other since pregnancy. They looked so lonely. I think the worse part for me and still is until this day, the leaving them everyday. No matter how many hours we spend with them, at the end of the day I do have to leave them and still suffer from such guilt.

As of today, Al and I have finally got a schedule together and it seems to be working well. He wakes up about 4:30 every morning and goes into work early. He works until 6 :00 and then walks over to see the girls in the morning. He spends about an hour holding and changing them and then heads back to work. At his lunch break he walks over and does kangaroo care for another hour or so and then goes back to work. I get up and get to work around 7:00 and work until about 3:00 or 3:30 and then head over to the hospital and see the girls until 7:00  or so and head home. Al makes dinner for us and we try to spend some adult time and conversation with each other. It has been so important to us that we keep our lines of communication up with each other. I am also on a 2 hour pumping schedule throughout the day. It is busy, busy, but it seems to be working. I also have to remember that this is only temporary. We will have our babies home soon. Hopefully Lilah can come home for a few months before her heart surgery.

Here is a pic of their Halloween outfits!!!


  1. That is a crazy schedule but it's great that the twins get some daddy and mommy time- and that you guys are able to get in some couple time as well. The girls are going to look so adorable in their Halloween outfits!

  2. So glad to keep hearing good reports. You are a strong mama!

  3. That's wonderful that you both are able to have time with them each day at the hospital but also able to work until they come home. Those outfits are adorable!

  4. Here via LFCA. Your girls are gorgeous and you are an awesome NICU mom! It is not an easy road, but it sounds like you are all working it out. Hope the girls have a great first Halloween!

  5. Sounds like you are staying strong and that is the best thing that you can do. Love the Halloween outfits! So cute!! Prayers to you & your family!

  6. I remember all too well the conversions. I still keep track of milk consumption in ml ( = Ccs). Old habits die hard.

    I'm glad you guys finally have a schedule that is working and you're feeling more settled. The girls are doing amazing and it's due to all the hard work you and Al are putting in. Keep up the amazing work, know I'm rooting for all of you and I can't wait to see O&L in their Halloween outfits!!!

  7. Halloween is a big NICU memory day for's the day Dylan had his PDA ligation. I'll always remember his first Halloween outfit! (He never actually wore it, but I put it one top of him.) : ) If there is any other support or advice I can give you, please don't hesitate to ask! We spent 143 days in the NICU with a 25 weeker, but he's turning 2 next week and he's doing great.

  8. It definitely is exhausting, that is for sure. I'm glad you and Al have a schedule that is working for you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their cute little Halloween outfits! Those shoes!
