
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Leaps and Bounds

This week started off so badly. Lilah was losing weight, in fact she lost 60 grams in one day. Al and I were so discouraged. But, our little girl turned the corner as always and she gained 90 grams the day after and last night she gained 160 grams!!! She is now weighing 4lbs 11 oz. Yesterday at the hospital she actually took 27 mls from her bottle and her respiratory rates stayed nice and low. I know this is wishful thinking, but I think our Lilah could be home for Thanksgiving!

I also decided to decorate her NICU apartment and give her some nice scenery.

Update on her roommate:

I found out yesterday that she will require a ventilator as long as she is living. My sister and I seem to think she may have cystic-fibrosis or something similar. It doesn't look like she will live a long life. It brings tears to my eyes, but I have decided to do what I can while we are there to make her life better. They put her in a crib yesterday and I asked if I could donate a mobile to her. She needs something to look at during the days. The nurse told me yes! I am bringing it today for her and so excited. I hope she likes it. My sister has also bought her some little Minnie Mouse socks to wear, along with some little pants. She can't wear shirts because of all the lines in her little chest etc. I am sure fond of this little girl and she will always have a place in my heart.


  1. And she has an NG tube!!!! Go Lilah!!!!

    I'm so glad you are doing something for that little girl. Please let us know if there is anything we can donate. A ventilator for the rest of her life. My heart is broken.

  2. I wish I lived close to you guys because I would surely like to do something for your daughter's roommate. That's so sad. She is lucky to be surrounded by so many people who care right now. And now...onto Lilah! I am soooo proud of her!!! Sweet girl is doing magically. I have everything crossed she'll be home by Thanksgiving too. XO

  3. Lilah is just too cute for words! I am so so happy to hear about the weight gain!! :)

    As for her roomie, that just breaks my heart. I am praying for that little one, so much!

  4. Way to go Lilah!!! That's super sad about her sweet little roommate. You and your sister are incredibly kind, T!

  5. That story just broke my heart into a million pieces. People that mistreat/abandon babies/kids and animals should just be shot. But it's so amazing that even though your baby has needs you are still opening your heart to yet another. You are truly an amazing person! I will continue to pray for both your girls and that little sweet baby as well.

  6. You're such nice people! Thank you for helping that small, innocent soul! That girl needs a lot of love and care and I hope someone will take good care of her! I agree with Shay -people who do any kind of harm to the little ones should be severely punished!
    Your girl will be fine! You help others and God will not forget you!

  7. And now Lilah is home a few weeks before thanksgiving!!! Amazing. So much to celebrate and be thankful for. I am curious if you will be able to go visit Lilah's roommate now that she is out? I'm so glad she had you guys there for her, even if it was only a short time.
