
Friday, October 10, 2014

30 Days

Today is day 30 of our girls being in the NICU. Wow this past month has been a serious roller coaster to say the least. At our scariest moment with Lilah having kidney failure and finding out she needed heart surgery. Today being one of the best days so far. Olivia gained 110 grams overnight and now weighs 4lbs 5.1 oz and Lilah gained 80 grams and now weighs 3lbs 8.4oz. This is their biggest weight gain in a month. 

Olivia June- Is now eating two bottles a day at 37ml each feeding. She seems to be a natural at this. No choking and she is keeping her milk down. She is also maintaining her body temp. They were thinking of putting her in a crib a few days ago, but I had them hold off. With the introduction of bottle feeding plus the eye exam she had, I felt like transitioning her into a crib was setting her up for failure. The MOST important thing with a NICU baby is maintaining weight and not burning up all their calories on unnecessary things.  They do want the babies in open cribs by 2,000 grams and Olivia is getting close. I did give the "go ahead" today to move her. This is going to be a big day for my little girl and her mommy. I can't wait to get over to the hospital today. 

Lilah Grace- Like I said she had amazing weight gain last night. Earlier in the week we made the decision to move her back into a heated isolette to help keep her warm so she wasn't wasting her calories. At 1500 they will wrap a baby, dress them and turn heat down. Al and I have decided against this right now. I want her to stay in there and gain as much weight as possible before her band surgery. The doctor came in yesterday and Lilah is still on surgery schedule for late next week. This is a very hard situation for us. Not only the thought of our little girl having heart surgery, but knowing after the surgery we have to start all over again. These past four weeks will mean nothing and be totally lost. In some ways I hope they do the surgery and get it over and in other ways I want to keep pushing it out because I can't bare to see her go through this.

Me- For the most part I am doing pretty good. Exhaustion is part of my daily life, but what mom doesn't have this? I am still managing to get about 35 hours a week at work. I am still pumping every two hours throughout the day/night, but only getting a minimum amount of milk ( about 1 1/2-2 ounces) per pump. The girls are each eating about 6-8 ounces daily so my milk supply isn't keeping up with them. I refuse to stop pumping though. I know that every drop I can make for the girls will help them. They also get donor milk to help supplement and both girls are on fortifiers to help pushed additional calories. Al and I have a great system that seems to be working right now. We are able to see the girls three times a day. I also heard back from my bosses yesterday and they are going to let me bring Olivia to work for a month or so until Lilah gets out of the hospital. This is going to work out so well. I can then take 12 weeks off and get them through Flu and RSV season before starting childcare in early spring. 

Most of all I am so blessed for the health of my daughters and will never take this for granted.EVER. 

Here is Al doing a fantastic job of feeding Olivia. He is such an amazing dad. I knew he would be, but it is still so fantastic to watch.



  1. I'm so happy to hear about the weight gain for both girls! And your bosses ROCK for allowing you to bring in Olivia into work.

  2. Yay for those wonderful bosses!! It's good to hear they are both gaining weight but I'm sure knowing what is ahead for Lilah is tough! Many prayers for all of you :)

  3. Look into domperidone for increasing your milk supply... It works really well, but you'll have to decide if its right for you. Following along and wishing your girls well. My first babe was in the NICU for 3.5weeks for meconium aspiration- totally different than your girls, but I can relate to the NICU drama.

  4. I'm so proud of your little troopers! Those girls are doing so great! I know the surgery is so scary and I am just so sorry that you or she has to go through with it. You will both pull through just fine, I know. **HUGS**

    Isn't it such a special feeling watching your hubby being a daddy? That picture is so special of Al. I know you are treasuring every single moment. And congrats on getting to bring little Miss Olivia to work with you. You truly have an awesome boss!

  5. You guys are all doing an amazing job! The NICU is like being in war... You are doing great T, please remember that!

  6. Your girls are such little fighters! LOVE that!!!! Sounds like you guys are doing great, and I will be praying for those girls like crazy during all the transitions!!

  7. First off, go Olivia and Lilah!!! You are both amazing girls and Are doing awesome.

    Regarding starting over with Lilah after surgery: hon, it's not a wash. Far from it. You, Al, Lilah's care team and Lilah have layer a solid foundation for her going into this surgery. Yes, it's scary and we don't know the outcome of it. But here's what I do know: Lilah is a fighter, just like her family. And with the weight gain and her regulating her own body temp, I am feeling very positive about her going into this surgery. So this last month is far from a wash. Far. From. It.

    Love the plan moving forward. And continuing to hold you all in my heart.

  8. I used a supplement called Milky that really helped my milk production. It was like an energy shot for breast milk. And I used a hospital grade pump.

    Your girls are beautiful... sending healthy thought their way :)

  9. Woot woot for weight gain! Keep it up, little ones.

  10. And to think how far they have come now, since you wrote this post! Olivia is home and Lilah doesn't need surgery right away! I love the look on Al's face while he is feeding Olivia. So sweet.
