
Monday, September 22, 2014

Prayers Needed

It has been a long past 24 hours. The Lasix that Lilah was on didn't work as the doctors had expected. They put her on another medication and she had a pretty significant side effect to it. The medication restricted the blood vessels in her kidneys. They were flushing her kidneys last night and trying to get her blood pressure back up within normal ranges. After this was done they move her and her sister to the cardiac wing of NICU.  The nephrologist has been called in to consult. The doctors told AL that all the cases they have seen of this reaction to the medication has resolved itself before permanent kidney problems. They said there are three different options as of now. They might wait and see how her levels look over the next 48-72 hours. Since she can't do dialysis because of her age they might try another treatment that is similar. Worst case scenario is they will have to send her to Little Rock or Dallas where they specialize in kidney problems. I will update you all as soon as we hear from the Nephrologist.


Just heard back and they are going to take her in for surgery to place a tube in her stomach and start dialysis tomorrow. Please keep my Lilah in your prayers. 


  1. You must be so scared for her. Praying for you, your husband, and your precious girls.

  2. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Sending lots of love your way.

  3. Saying lots of prayers for your precious little Lilah!

  4. Praying for sweet baby!! Love reading all the updates! XOX

  5. Toni, what a nightmare this has been! I'm sending so much love for you and little Lilah. Keep us updated.

  6. Sending you so much love and prayers.

  7. Oh no! Praying so hard that she will be ok!

  8. I'm so thankful that Lilah's kidneys are back to functioning 100%!!!
