
Friday, September 19, 2014


Today the girls are 9 days old. Both are above their birth weight! 

Lilah Grace- She is our little peanut for sure and the spitfire. Daily is takes out her feeding tube and her line for temp. She does not like the therometer at all nor tummy time. In fact she will stick her butt up in the air and try to climb out. As of today our little sweet peanut is 3 lbs 0.3 oz. They have started her out on a few new medications to help filter all the blood from her lungs and help her respiratory rate go down so she is trying so hard. I sure love this girl. I try not to think about her surgery and hope we can put it off until she is nice and strong. She is getting stronger daily. So far they have increased feedings daily and her weight has increased daily.

Olivia June- She is our mellow baby most of the time, but she also enjoys taking off her temp line and taking out her feeding tube multiple times throughout the day. She loves when I tell her stories about our family and also loves kangaroo time with mommy and daddy. Today she is our big girl weighing in at 3lbs 5.8 oz. The doctors did also hear a heart murmur on her yesterday and ordered a echo (which was done today). I hope that if there is a hole, it is small and will close. Only time will tell.  Oh! Did I mention she also loves to suntan :)

  As for me........ Well I have two amazing daughters. Nothing else even comes close to talking about right now.


  1. They are beautiful. Continuing to pray as they grow and thrive!

  2. Thinking of you and the girls daily. So happy to hear they're growing and strong!

  3. One thing I've learned: feisty is good. And both your girls are certainly feisty (Lilah just feels the need to assert herself more at the moment). Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. In the meantime young ladies, keep up the good work of growing and kicking ass!

  4. Lochlan, Adam and I are sending but love and positive thoughts to Olivia and Lilah. ((Hugs)) to you, Al and Cierra. I love you my friend and am so grateful to be experiencing new motherhood together. How is the pumping going?

  5. Whoa! I am behind on my reading! Congratulations! I'll be thinking of you as you navigate through all of this NICU stuff! Xo

  6. Wow, you do have some strong, beautiful little ladies. I'm also praying they continue to get stronger and more feisty as the days go on. :)

  7. Their great big smiles just kill me! So incredibly cute!
