
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

29 Week Update

Still here. Still pregnant!!

I was released from the hospital on Monday and things are still about the same as far as dilation. Yesterday was pretty rough day. I was having a really hard time getting my breath and in a lot of pain, but I pushed through it last night and thank goodness I did because I feel 100% better today. Had my OB appointment and we just went over things to be on the look out for. He said 20% of woman will have their babies within days of preterm labor and I have passed that mark. He seems to think we might be able to keep these little ladies in until 32 weeks. As much pain as I have been in lately and feeling really bad, I want to keep them in as long as possible. I remind myself that it is only a short time of things being unpleasant and it will all be worth it very soon. And of course I want to do the best thing for the girls. We have switched me over from Lovenox to Heparin. Also trying to figure out the right dosage of Glyburide ( it seems to be bottoming out my sugar levels) I am sure we will find that magical number soon though.

Today we are meeting with the Director of NICU and having a tour. Also got some pretty exciting news yesterday. Not sure if any of you saw where I posted that my hospital was going to put cameras in the NICU so parents could log in and see the babies if they weren't at the hospital. Well it looks like Al and I are going to be the first parents to try this out. They prefer to use an employee to try everything out on before going forward. I am pretty stoked about it. I will be able to see the girls no matter where we are.

I am back to work. Thank goodness. I talked my doctor into letting me work because my job is only 10 minutes from the hospital and my house is over 30 minutes away. My bosses are being completely amazing and so giving. They told me to lay down on my couch whenever I need to.

Let me also brag on my husband.  I know I could not go through all of this without him. My god how I got so lucky, I will never know. I promise I don't take advantage of him. During my stay in the hospital he was taking Cierra back and forth to work, taking care of pets and the house, plus seeing me. He is now doing all the cooking, cleaning, driving, etc. I know he is going to be the most amazing father ever. I can't wait to see him meet his girls. I love this man so much. I never knew that marriage was seriously suppose to be like this. I always thought it was so much work to have an "ok" marriage. Now I know that in my marriage, I don't have to work at things, I found my soul mate and it all just comes the way it is suppose to. I will say again I am so LUCKY.

Okay here is my 29 week bump pic and lets hope there is a 30 week!

 Also. Thank you for all the emails, texts, etc. checking on me. I have made such amazing friends within the past 4 years and met such beautiful woman. Thank you.


  1. Yayyyyy!!!! 29 weeks!!!! So glad to see this post. As you know, I've been holding my breath for you. And I'm so happy to hear the news that your MFM is optimistic that you'll make it to 32 weeks. Focusing on that milestone.

    That's awesome news about the NICU! I know that was one of the hardest things was not being able to check in as much as I liked. Even now, I'm quilty of checking in a lot and being one of those moms who watches from the windows. So good news!

    As far as Al, am so not surprised about how awesome he is. After all these years, it fits. That said, I will agree that he certainly rocks. And I now have a mental picture of him with the girls. Your family is beautiful T. And soon you will get to witness that first hand in all it's glory.

  2. I love this!! this is so great!! I am so glad that they are hoping to get you to at least 32weeks. Although we want babes to cook full term, 32 weeks is better than this last weekend. You look amazing!

    I am super excited and impressed with the new technology you guys get to test out! That's amazing!

    Just elated for you, T!!!!! XOX

  3. You are doing such a great job!!!!! Hang in there!!!! You look amazing by the way!!!! You should be so proud of yourself and your body!!!

  4. I love that belly! Glad to hear the girls are cooperating. I hope they continue to do so. Can't believe you are going to meet them soon!!

  5. This is all very good news!! It sounds like you have the perfect husband and he is taking such good care of you!! That's awesome that you will be able to see the babies too :)

  6. Yay!! So happy for you and the girls!! I am so happy to hear that your bosses are being so supportive. Love hearing how great Al is treating you, like Christy, I am not surprised. :)

  7. Awesome news! I've been thinking of you. That's also great that you will be the first to test out the new NICU cameras. Come on 32 weeks!! Hugs

  8. So happy for you, congratulations!

  9. You look fantastic, momma! Glad to hear you're feeling better, and that's fantastic news about being the NICU camera testers. I'm sure that's going to ease your minds a ton if you can't always be with the girls. Keep on keepin' on!

  10. You are doing amazing!!!! And wow, that baby belly is the best! When I went into preterm labor, I had them 3 days later. I was on the evil magnesium. So the fact that they stopped yours and you haven't delivered makes me think you are going to go all the way! Rest rest rest and grow grow grow!

  11. Glad the babies are still in there! Hang in there, take it day by day!

  12. You're doing SO GREAT!!! I am thrilled to hear the comments about Al. He is stepping up and that is a HUGE indicator of how good of a partner he's going to be when the girls are here. That first 6 months or so... woof... my husband does NOT do well with sleep deprivation... let's just say we had to work extra hard to work out the kinks in how we worked together. It sounds like you guys are already a great team, and you're ready for the next challenge.

  13. Looking great! Hang in there girl!

  14. Yay! Glad the babies are still hanging in there. Get lots of rest, my friend.

  15. Toni - I just read Cristy's post about the girls. I would love to offer you any support I can while the girls get strong and big in the NICU. (D was born at 25 weeks and was in for 143 days.) Congrats and I hope they are home with you soon!
