
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Big Scare

Remember how everything has been going perfect since the beginning of this pregnancy? Well that came to a complete stop last night. It was about 6 pm and I felt a huge gush of something warm going down my leg. I went to the bathroom and my worst fears were realized. My panties were full of blood and as I sat down a huge splash hit the toilet. I looked and there was a blood clot about the size of my hand with LOTS of red blood. I called my RE and told him what just happened. No cramps, no back pain, just blood and huge clots. He told me to lay down for the rest of the night and come in this morning for a u/s. As you can imagine I didn't sleep at all last night. I think it was one of the longest nights of my life. So please excuse all the typos and grammar mistakes. 

We went in this morning and immediately saw two gestational sacs measuring .  The sacs are measuring 6w6d. Baby "A" is measuring 6w4d with a heartbeat of 123bpm. Baby "B' is measuring 6w3d with a heartbeat of 120bpm. As you can see on the attached u/s there is a third sac right at the bottom of Baby "B" (which is top pic). At this point he is unsure if that is a third gestational sac or a fluid sac in where the blood is coming from. Now on to his main concern. He is very concerned at the amount of lovenox I am taking daily. He said that he wouldn't even prescribe a patient with an active lung blood clot 80 mg daily. He is concerned that Dr. Kim is in Chicago and I am here being on such a high dose. He said it is completely my decision and he will support me regardless, but is not surprised I am bleeding on this dosage and will most likely continue to bleed. I won't lie, I think he has a valid point. I was only diagnosed with clotting factors. I am going to talk talk with Dr. Kim, but I think after discussions with Al and Dr. H I am going to stay with 40mg a day from here on out.

Any ideas on the lovenox from ladies that are familiar with this? Even though I am scared shit less of the bleeding, I am so thankful we had two heartbeats today.


  1. oh my goodness girl! I can't imagine your thoughts or what you were feeling when you went to the bathroom and then had to lay there all night! YIKES!! I'm so glad everything with the babies is good though. Thank ya Jesus! hugs!! Try to relax a bit this weekend. xoxo

  2. Glad you and the babies are good! You are in my daily thoughts and prayers! Hopefully you and Dr. Kim can get everything straightened out with the lovenox.

  3. Scary doughnuts. Take it easy and rest. Praying and praying.

  4. What a nightmare. I am so glad there are still heartbeats!

    Your Lovenox dose does sound high, when the doc explains it like that.

    Thinking good thoughts for you.

  5. As I wrote to you before, I'm so glad that everyone is is doing. My heart broke when you initially told me about the blood and I spent most of last night pacing and worrying about you guys.

    My Lovenox dosage was 40 mg daily, so reducing it to that would put you at the same as many others. Talk with dr. Kim and let her know what is happening. I suspect she'll want to drop it too.

    When is your next u/s? Based on te bleed, do they want to see you again soon?

    1. We go back in on Wednesday. I think depending on what bleeding does from here on out that I might start going in twice a week for u/s until I'm released to OB. That is another post I was planning on before this happened.

  6. So glad all is ok:)). I was on 40 of lovenox once a day, and that did the trick. I do agree that you are on way to high of a dose. I know seeing any kind so blood is so scary. I had a huge bleed at 10 weeks and they thought it was SCH, but weren't that sure. But I bleed for a few day, and then it stopped. Be good to yourself and take is easy:) put those feet up girl!!!!

  7. Do you remember the same thing happening to me?? Holy shit that was scary. Thank The Lord it was just a clot. I'm glad to see you being so proactive in your care. Asking questions of ALL doctors is so important.

  8. I was on lovenox twice daily at one point. Dr. Braverman had me do blood work. I think it was called anti heparin and looked at how my blood was clotting. I had to get it done at an exact time so many hours after my last shot. Maybe you can get that test done?

  9. I had light bleeding at 7 weeks. I was also on lovenox twice a day plus baby aspirin. I stopped using the aspirin and the bleeding stopped. Thank God, the baby was okay. I believe your bleeding was because of lovenox. I also suggest you to demand anti heparin test which is done 4 hours after the lovenox was administrated (at any day, but 4 hrs have to pass). I'm positive you will be fine.

  10. Also those are some beautiful beautiful heartbeats!!!!

  11. How scary. So happy you were able to get in quickly and see everyone doing fine.

    Every doctor varies with their dosage of Lovenox, but mine had me on 40 mg up until 14 weeks, and then I bumped up to 60 mg during 2nd trimester. (I weighed 136 lbs. at time and about 143 lbs. now). This is still considered a "preventative dose" based on a formula of 1 mg/1 kg body weight. I asked about taking two doses daily, was this enough, etc? My MFM prescribes Lovenox a lot and believes preventative dose is all that's needed, because there is no known blood clot and we are only trying to prevent clots. In fact, he recognized that most OB's prescribe only 40 mg throughout entire pregnancy (including my OB) but MFM uses the 1 mg/1 kg of body weight to make sure there's enough without giving too much. I was also spotting during 1st tri, and that is one reason we waited entire first tri to increase dosage, so I do think it can increase bleeding. I am also on baby aspirin too though....worth mentioning.

    Sounds like you are on a "therapeutic dose" although I'm not sure of your body weight. If you feel comfortable reducing to a preventative dose of 40 mg, you could always request an anti-xa assay to monitor a few weeks into it just to calm any fears of whether or not the 40 is enough. You could also ask about increasing dosage as you gain weight in 2nd tri or so. Just an idea.

  12. That is so scary!!! I know nothing about Levonex but wanted to say I'm still praying. Look how cute your twinsies are!!!!

  13. That sounds terrifying. I'm so glad the ultrasound could give you a bit of a sense of comfort. Wish I knew more about Lovenox so I could help!

  14. Yikes! So scary Toni. Glad everything is okay. Can't offer any advice about the lovenox but hope you get some answers.

  15. Oh how scary!! Glad everything is okay. I didn't take Lovenox so I don't have any advice, but I hope that your doctors can work together to get it figured out!

  16. So scary! I'm so glad you and the babies are ok. I don't know anything about the Lovenox but wish you all the best in finding a good dose, and getting as much helpful information from your doctors as you can.

  17. Yikes!!! I can't imagine how you must have felt. So glad that there were two healthy heartbeats to reassure you!!! Hope you get the bleeding figured out...I'll be thinking of you!

  18. Oh my gosh!! How scary! I am SOO glad you and babies are ok though! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!! I have no experience with the Lovenox, but I am sure you have a great team caring for you and you are such a great advocate for yourself, the best choice will be made. :)

  19. I know this was awhile ago, but I can't help but imagine how scary all that blood must have been. I'm so glad that both babies are still growing and doing well to this point. I am so excited for you and canNOT wait for you to be holding these babies in your arms!
