
Monday, November 19, 2012


Andrea from Palm Trees & Rainy Days! The winner was picked by using

Andrea please send me your mailing address @ I hope you enjoy these soaps as much as I do :)

TTC Front: 3DPO

Well we might have missed our prime ovulation day due to sleep. My RE told us to trigger on Thursday. He also said to BD on Wednesday just in case I decided to ovulate early. We did Wed, Thurs, totally forgot Friday and then back to BD on Saturday. Not sure our odds are very great this cycle. Well honestly, at best I think our odds of success is really around 3% on TI cycle? I have been drinking my cherry pepsi and had a glass of wine on Saturday night. I guess I am not feeling this cycle at all. After coming out of a year of strict diet, no caffeine etc. I am just going with the flow right now.  Sorry if that sounds bad, but it is just the way things are right now.

To make things sound even worse ( I doubt I will have any blogger friends after this comment). I am SO sick and tired of whining infertiles. I am NOT talking about the ones who just suffered a miscarriage or a loss. I am talking about the ones that constantly whine and complain. I just want to scream at them. As bad as we think we have it, I promise there are so many others who have it SO much worse! I am not known for being all positive and shitting rainbows, but jeez sometimes we need some damn rainbows! IS being negative all the time changing your situation? Yeah I didn't think so. We are ALL strong ladies who have been through our own hell and then some. Wear it as a badge of honor and fight for what you want. Become more educated, become an advocate, help others whom are suffering.

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