
Friday, November 9, 2012

Funny Infertility Friday Plus

Okay since nothing much embarrasses me, I will share this story with you. My husbands dog Porter has a habit of eating out of the trash can, my underwear, Al's underwear, socks and anything else he can get a hold of. Well for the last few months my underwear have dwindled down to hardly nothing. I refuse to go buy more because of a ill behaved dog eating them. I don't leave them on the floor either, he pulls them out of laundry baskets. This freaking dog is a damn Houdini. I told my husband that it is his dog so he is going to buy me more undies. Last night I went to bed complaining that the only pairs I have left are going up my ass and uncomfortable. I think I went on to cuss the dog again. I look up and Al is walking out of the bedroom. I said "hey where are you going, I was talking to you" his reply.............. "Oh I thought you would quit talking" LMAO ! Anyway I woke up this morning and Al told me he had a surprise sitting on my dresser. After he left for work I got up and found 6 new pair of undies~ He actually went to the store last night after I fell asleep and bought then for me. What a lucky lady I am :) Things like this remind me how truly blessed I am everyday to be married to such a amazing man. 

CD8 and my ovaries are throwing a party! I am so excited about this new cycle.  I thought after failed ivf attempts that everything was over. I mean ivf has the highest success rate and if you failed those, really what is left? I may have taken a huge step back, but I feel so great right now. I love the cost of this cycle $69 for femera, trigger shot and monitoring. I will continue with cheaper treatments with a huge smile on the money, pain and suffering I am saving :) Yay me!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stop by and show some love and support for Amanda  She is almost ready for transfer this weekend :) 

Also PLEASE go support my friend Leslie She is in beta hell right now. Hoping that her beta rises today and they find her baby on ultrasound next week. She is such a great person and truly deserves this.

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