
Saturday, November 3, 2012

CD2 and a go

Went in this morning for my ultrasound and blood work. Lining was nice and thin at a 5. I had a corpeus luteum about 32mm on my right ovary. Doctor said it looked like I did in fact ovulate. I asked him about using femera since I have used clomid for a total of 8 cycles in the past and nothing. He wrote me a prescription  for 5mg a day for 5 days starting today. Then he asked if we wanted to do insemination this month and it was so hard for me to tell him no. I had to though because I agreed with Al that we would wait until next year for that. So I have my scripts for that and some progesterone. Going back on the 13th to make sure I ovulated. 

Also big appointment next week!

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