
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Mixing Pot Monday

Today is my mixing pot Monday post. This is something new I am trying and consists of a dash of this and a dash of that. 

This weekend my MIL and FIL came down to visit us for the day. Al and his dad went to some car auction and I took his mom to the fabric store. I have decided to start quilting and so excited about it. I ordered my sewing machine last week. Never sewed in my life, this should be super interesting. My MIL has been quilting for years and was so helpful on showing me what I needed. Even better, she bought me my first rotary mat, cutter, thread, and a book for beginners. I have decided that I want to do baby quilts. I was asked by someone earlier in the week if that would be to hard on me emotionally, due to the fact we can't have children. My response was " not at all, in fact it might help me" Just because we are at this crossroads doesn't mean I have to turn into that stereotypical bitter infertile. Honestly, those people are starting to get on my last nerve. This statement may piss people off and that is okay with me. I do understand the emotions, I have went through them. But, for it to completely eat up your life day to day. Please don't misunderstand  this statement either. We all go through the phase of hurt, anger and bitterness. I am talking about when it continues and  you are taken over with it.  Other woman in the world are going to get pregnant, daily. Some will be teenagers, some will already have 8 kids and half of them in dhs custody, some will drink and smoke, and some will be people just like us that have fought to have a child. It happens... and I think it is healthier to accept that fact so we can have strength to fight our own battles. So anyway back to my point...... I am going to start making baby quilts. I have a few friends that are expecting and I really want to do this for them :) I might be the ugliest quilts ever and end up in the bottom of a closet, but that is okay too :)

Speaking of crafts, Cierra made a glitter pumpkin this weekend. I put it out in the flower bed with the rest of them. People were stopping and looking at our as I call it "disco ball" pumpkin. Pretty unique!

As some more good news, This girl (me) has lost about ten pounds since our failed ivf. I tried on a dress that I bought beginning summer and couldn't wear. Look at me go! So proud of myself.......

To wrap things up today. I was suppose to go in and have my 12th and last beta done, but I called in sick today and stayed home. My stick barely have a shadow of line so I know that my levels are low. Calling in wasn't a lie either. I was up ALL night with stupid insomnia, plus stomach issues. So I will just enjoy this day at home.

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