
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I wanted to take a little survey today. Not only do I have my blog, but I am also a member of private infertility group on facebook. Within the last month the two spaces have had such different luck. So many positives on my blog and so many losses on my group. I started thinking about statics with ivf and live births coming from it. Of course I have read and been told that there are a higher % of problems with ivf pregnancies. I just want to see if there is a difference on pregnancy rates and live births due to the day of transfer and progress of embryos. If you would like to participate, please let me know the following:

1. How many ivf's until you were successful?
2. On the unsuccessful, how many day transfer was embryo(s)?
3  Did you ever have any to freeze?
4.  Age at successful pregnancy

ALSO Same Questions for those of us who are still trying:

1. How many ivf cycles have you went through?
2. What day transfer(s) did you have?
3. Any to freeze?
4. Age during cycles

Thanks again to anyone that chooses to participate in this survey

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