
Thursday, October 25, 2012

I was wrong.....

I assumed with the way all my test strips looked, that my hcg levels were almost zero. I really hate being wrong: My hcg 69.4 and progesterone is .9 so I haven't ovulated. I have to go back in two weeks on same day as my WTF is going on meeting with Dr. H. and see if they have hit zero.

As much as I want to cry and whine about this, I won't allow myself to do that. Here is rundown of my beta saga for last month or so.

9/5/2012- Beta #1 HCG 56, Progesterone 24
9/7/2012- Beta #2 HCG 148, Progesterone 32
9/11/2012-Beta #3 HCG 238 Its over
9/13/2012-Beta #4 HCG 294, Stop progesterone
9/19/2012- Beta #5  HCG 500, Possible Ectopic Pregnancy
9/20/2012- Beta #6  HCG 667, Went to E.R diagnosed with Ectopic and received a  methotrexate    
9/23/2012- Beta #7 HCG 871
9/26/2013- Beta #8 HCG 755
10/1/2012- Beta #9 HCG 479
10/8/2012- Beta #10 HCG 161
10/25/2012-Beta #11 HCG 69.5

Back to work.

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